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Its the best game ever! I love this game. The roleplay, the interactions... its wonderful.


new update soon


mate I just got rickrolled


I'm using a translator, the game is very good, I have no complaints, just one suggestion, they could put other languages in the game, like Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French and these languages in general.

(1 edit) (+7)

That sounds like something you would do after a game is fully completed. I'd wait for a version 1.0 before that.



Great game, mostly. Got a ton of playtime out of me. However, there is a small problem, NPCs will never spawn with certain types of piercings, nor can you add or remove any piercings they have with the NPC customizer. I am into navel piercings, so I really wish it were possible for NPCs to have them. It seems only the player character can have a navel piercing, no one else. Please fix this.


npc’s do spawn with them. It tells you what they’re wearing including their piercing low in their info page. But as far as I’m aware theirs no way to talk them into getting one if they don’t have one. Much like real life. Their body their choice lol.

Must be insanely rare then. It has never once happened to me.


To be fair. I check the Description and name of every single npc I see. So I would find it quickly. And my character is a playboy who sleeps with pretty much everyone. Which helps because this game maker seems to take into considerations what they are wearing, and what state of undress you have seen them in. Cuz I didn’t find out the first Guy I slept with was transgendered until we actually “Got Busy” and I found out he wasn’t fully transitioned yet. He still had…. A Rose. rather than a Baton. I know this is an adult game but I still don’t wanna be to explicit lol. My point is unless they’re wearing something where you can see their naval. Or you have got them naked. The description might not include the piercing yet.

FYI, transgender NPC follow the same default when created, girls have a P, guys have a V. As far as I know only the protagonist can have more options to customize their body/gender at the moment.


Love the game, but would love the option to be able to see someone's sexual bits/gender without needing to sex them first. 


While I do agree with the Sentiment, I feel like you mostly get those infos by socialising. Mostly before the lessons for me. Or while eating with ppl. I am not sure, where I fall on the grindy-ness scale. But I have most of those Informations for the majority of the people I know, even the ones I dont mayorly interact with.


This is correct; you can learn this randomly by socializing with them.

another good way is if your character is Voyeuristic and you hang out in the showers. You can talk to people who are naked. Or check them out as they walk by. And if you’re lucky they haven’t bothered with a towel. But your way is the fastest and most efficient especially to get somebody you actually care about information.


I think there should a optional questline that the player can start for either a male or female player character to question their gender and realize that they are trans or non-binary or something in-between 


That would be cool!. Though I definitely haven’t seen everything the game has. It might already exist later on or if you make particular options. I don’t think I have even passed a single in game month because I keep being tempted to try new things. I’m trying to think of a character I would enjoy playing. That’s all encompassing enough to do it all lol. 


It does not currently exist in the game, no.


I am 100% in love with your game. I literally only signed up for this website. So I could thank you for your amazing work. I have been addicted to and play this game all day every day for a month. In a healthy way. No like actually hurting myself. And I needed to thank you for it. I wish there were more games like this!.

there are a few be them abit more weird


would you be so kind as to drop a few of their names?. I already know about Starwatch Academy. That actually brought me to this game.


Well, I don't know your sexuality, but Hornstown and Degrees of Lewdity have a lot of gay and straight content equally. They are similar and both are also HTML.

If you are straight, I recommend playing as a woman in Degrees of Lewdity.

There is another one called Lilith's Throne that is different from these, but very well done, I recommend you take a look too.


How do we date someone?  I have a NPC full romance, just and friendship but I still don't have the "officially dating"


There are two methods here: Wait for them to ask you, or ask them yourself. Waiting is pretty self explanatory, just keep dating them and eventually after a successful date they may bring up becoming official. This can take a while tho!! Like, possibly weeks of ingame time.

And if you want to ask them: look at their schedule on their profile. Go to where they are in the evening and find them in the People tab. You should be able to approach them to talk, and you can propose a relationship from there.

Do note that depending on the NPC's inclinations and personality they might not want a relationship! They may very well say they're not ready or not looking for anything serious! It depends on the NPC.

I see. I think i will try waiting because i don't have the option of propose a relationship when i talk to them, just the normal talk, flirt, hangout/date options. Thanks for the reply!

With dating, having there phone number makes it easier, getting into a relationship "dating", you can do in person when bumping into them.  Yo can also ask to hangout or go on a date in person too.

If you're character is polly, you can ask to be in that kind of relationship too. 


When will wild life app come in stock


I am absolutely in love with this game! Its like a much more forgiving, less harsh Degrees of Lewdity and its so well written! I'm so glad to have found this game!


wait whats that game and how is it?


It's also an adult school simulator. However, the school the MC is in is clearly a middle school curriculum (despite the characters being over 18 because legal reasons), and it's largely about the MC being raped repeatedly. I actually wouldn't say the game is particularly similar at all beyond "adult school simulator," but it definitely was one of the dev's inspirations (I imagine in particular to make something better).


oh, i checked it out and i guess its fun. tho i still like CoT much more because it is much more realistic and if you want it doesnt HAVE to be erotic (like, you can be aroace). really hope more university based text games like that are made!

All my saves home and I was so far in. Is there a way to fix it?


How do we manage to get a hot-tub stream with the wading pool, I've never seen the option come up.


You have to buy a kiddie pool from the Sporting Goods store in JT Ult, then go back to your dorm room and put on swimwear. Then when you go to stream on Niche it should give you the option to do a hot tub stream.

It just says I'm not wearing a bottom, I've tried a one-piece and a bikini and neither work.  And yes, I've got the pool.


Just tried it in game and it worked fine for me, sounds like you've encountered a bug!


After doing a stream playing video games the viewers suggested it and now I can freely do this type of stream, thanks for the help.  :D


Could there characters maybe remark physical changes like if you gain a lot of muscle or something?


I think there should be more dominant options in this game, which would make the experience more diverse.


i have had various ideas, (mainly new storylines), i have had an idea to include more specific love interrest such as upgrading the religious girl storyline, adding a bullied person as a lover (and being able to beat up their bullies with physicality or join the bully and have them as a love interrest instead), have a very confident girl that turn very sensitive when they become a love interrest, have a very young teacher be  a love interrest with a storyline, or have a love interrest in a wheelchair (that would be hard i think), have a music band added with a new skill, or what would i have liked is that the best friend could be shy or confident, they could be a virgin or a non virgin etc to create a really unique custom best friend storyline like with the player (that would also be hard i think), if the dev see this what does he think about some of it and what does the community thinks of my ideas


I definitely like some of your ideas. Especially an even farther customizable best friend. Even thought it’s a tiny thing, I would also really like it if at character creation you could choose to start with and actually need glasses. Could even lead to maybe some fun situations like a tripping and losing your glasses and need ing help. Like the getting locked in the locker or laundry machine, 

also yes I would really love it if your character had the choice to fight / beat up bullies if they have a high physical and your protecting somebody or yourself. 


I'm sorry if you answered this already, but will there be an option to join a sorority/frat house in the future?


omg, just waiting for an option like that


Sorry if my english is bad but how can i import my savefile? The answer is already obvious but it's not loading up for android...

(2 edits) (+5)

First you will load your save on your PC and open it on this screen, then you will press the button labeled Save to file. This will download a file and all you need to do is send this file to your cell phone. Then, you will enter the game and open it on the same screen on your cell phone. You will click on Load from file, then just search for and open the downloaded file that you sent to your cell phone and your game will run.


my character's boyfriend is named michael munroe  to lmao


Another Until Dawn admirer, lol. In my game currently he is the star quarterback and Jessica is the cheerleader.


i named my cheerleader captain lulu melon idk why


Just a general question, what determines a great gift in the game (with the NPCs) I'm curious helpp


try jewelry


How do you give gifts to npc?


Ive been trying to get myself pregnant but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a specific date or action (aside from sex) I need to perform or am I just a blithering idiot 


Pregnancy is impossible as of right now, I'm afraid. But it is on the roadmap to be implemented eventually!


Thank you for the info, lad. Cheers!


So I am a bisexual man in the game, but I seem to only get women on Findr. How do I have it to where I get men as well?


With the default settings, the percentage of gay/bi characters is fairly low, so most NPCs who will express interest in male PCs will be women. You can change the sliders to increase the percent of gay/bi characters.

I think I've got a bug, where the Admirer won't become dominant after the DnD campaign and going to dinner. She gains 20% dominance but her behaviour hasn't changed and I can't seem to increase it


I don't think characters can become your Dom unless they have the Dominant trait, and the Admirer is a special character. Even giving special characters traits through cheating won't change their behavior too much, since their role in the story is immutable.


I see a lot of people talking about the pregnancy content and it always makes me kind of chuckle. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but it seems to be in the realms of a very distant future, like years later, seeing as the game is still in the early alpha stage. Let's see the basics of what has to be done for it to work for a moment, shall we?

Parents will need to be fleshed out first, because they'll need to be involved, as well as the campus principal. The clinic content will definitely be expanded, with various tests and counseling. Many accommodations will need to be made for the pregnant student, such as excused absences, extended deadlines for assignments, paid time off from work, online courses/tutoring and reduced workload, and so on.

Overall, the campus needs to be overhauled to support pregnant students as a whole. Then there's the issue of additional housing, maybe a different dorm room and such, financial aid from the university, and maybe local support groups or organizations. A new location for childcare support may need to be added, either on campus or in the town.

I'm not even talking about all the event expansions that professors, advisors, and fellow students will need in order to respond to the player character's pregnancy. And then there's the issue of implementing NPC pregnancy content. It's a lot to deal with, for sure.

I imagine there will have to be certain penalties, like extra education programs and disciplinary actions if you're irresponsible and don't take care of your child enough, or if you get pregnant or get someone pregnant a little too often.

It could also become a monkey paw wish in a way if it's rushed, with a simple event stating that your parents took the child and that you have to pay more to support them, lol.


I'm on board with adding step by step updates to it instead of trying to implement a fully fleshed out system  at once. Birth control, female cycles, and feminine hygiene products could be one update that won't really add pregnancy but prepare more of a backbone for it in the future. I'm thinking along the lines that pregnancy actually should be handled as your monkey paw example until a more fleshed out update can be added later on.  That's what the side content updates are for right? 


True, it could serve as a placeholder. I didn't even mention the biological side of things because that's another can of worms. I'm also concerned about the transgender aspect, are trans women really women? Can they conceive or are they sterile? It can be a very divisive topic since the game took the inclusive approach, so it remains to be seen how the author wants to handle it.


i think that's kinda easy to do? in the start maybe the author can add some choices if we are "fully" transitioned, so, if the player is a trans men, they can decide if they still have a womb, if they are taking the female hormone blocker, if they are taking testosterone, etc, so the game can track if the player is *capable* of getting pregnant.

with trans women is very simple too, i guess?? trans women don't have a womb, so, they can't get pregnant and im pretty sure the game won't add a "add a womb" in the clinic bc it is not realistic, does this mean that trans women are not women? absolutely not, they are! we are just talking about the biologic sides <3

also, in real life, if a trans women is taking the testosterone blocker and it is taking the contraceptive, they CAN still experience PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) or PMT (Premenstrual tension) wich i think it would be really cool to implement! <33


Probably an ignorant question/request, but… Is there any chance of getting graphic representations of the characters? Not even needing sexual imagery.. but even just portraits?


Personally I go to dezgo (xl lightning or default xl) and just generate the portrait based on a character's basic description when I want to see what they look like, it generally handles most accessories and details well.

As for the in-game option... Yeah, I don't see that happening any time soon. If we look at the parallels, DoL always had an image system in mind, so it was designed to support it from the beginning, and even then it only handles the player character. FreeCities (specifically its PregMod branch) has various generators for creating full body representation for characters, but I imagine it's very complicated to port over with the necessary changes.

The best we can get is an option to add character portraits ourselves or something.

how come my game keeps restarting? My saved files reset also how to I play the game while still having a life at the same time?😂

Saved files should not ever reset unless you're playing in-browser and cache gets cleared. I personally don't recommend playing in-browser if you are able to download the game.


Still hoping for wrestling team to be implemented. And a hot coach to "persuade" to give me pointers. And who DOESN'T want to work that exhibitionist trait and have the 'Always Horny' inclination paired with his wrestling singlet? Peek-a-feckin boo, boys! "Look at me, ever the Boy Scout...pitching tents everywhere." XD


Contact sports would be amazing, yeah. Just imagine the possibilities 😌


Please god that would be absolutely amazing.


oh, i hope we also get something like tennis and gymnastics! id also love a dance team

(1 edit) (+3)

BUG: I don't know what happened but my funds became NaN.
I think it's related to the River Rat job but I don't think I can reproduce it again to verify this.


I managed to reproduce it.

It seems to be related when it's time to close the River Rat and there are still some tables to clean. Apparently it tries to collect the tips from those automatically and it fails.


This bug has been fixed in the latest update, v0.6.1c.

Oh, thanks. I was using 0.6.1b.


Waiting for stripper, prostitute, and sugar baby career in this game


Same but with OF (OnlyFaps) extended content to milk all the subs :)

(2 edits)

How do  call her to make a live on School cams with me?


Use cheats to give her one of the Exhibitionist inclinations (the levels are Lewd Exhibitionist, Cautious Exhibitionist, Proud Exhibitionist, and Helpless Exhibitionist). 

Then start a CollegeCam stream from your dorm room like normal. On the screen where you can pick your outfit and toys there should be an option to invite her to join you if your skills are high enough. I think your own Exhibitionism skill needs to be at least 5 to undress them for the camera, 6 to do oral on them/have them do oral on you, and 7 to have sex with them on camera.


finally, going exclusive with my BFF~ (official dating). 

... the classroom harasser tho. He's tempting... but I must resist. 😂

I'm curious about both me and my bff's fate for quad party in future update. I made 2 separate saves, just in case (agreed and refused). 😆 oh 3. One for the classroom harasser when I refused that thing in quad). 

oh, I'll also make new games (playing as a virgin, and behave well (picking savingmyself seed too, ahem), and also go aim for bff, and also for the classroom harraser. 

Okay, that's too many save files, alright 😂


can we please ever get options for overpowering NPC like they do with us? for example ignoring their resistance, I noticed they can do it to the PC even with Dominant and I think it that act would also be good for raising the NPC humiliation and submission. I wish we can get more forceful acts as PC if possible. It's okay not to make if it's not something you personally enjoy and thanks for this game I do really like it C: !!


It should be currently possible to overpower NPCs!! iirc it should alert you that they are trying to move you/remove your clothes the turn before they do it, and you have the option to resist them doing that (physical skill check) or ask them not to (charisma skill check).

You also have the option to ask for the positions/acts you want or to physically move your partner into the position you want. If they try to resist it comes down to a physical skill check: if you win, you overpower them and move them into the position you desire.

Love this game, just reporting a bug


Why the game keeps loading

Is there any way to stream having sex with someone?


Yes! If you have a good enough relationship with someone with the Exhibitionist trait there will be an option to invite them to stream with you on CollegeCams (on the screen where you select your outfit and toys). iirc you need 5 Exhibitionism to strip them for the camera, 6 to do oral on them or have them do oral on you,  and 7 to have sex with them.


Hey! Im a big fan of the game The only thing I'd like to see is a prostitution job route at some point

Probably if you roam town at night you can choose to sell your body if you have the required stats

I'm sure you've thought about it already but it's just a suggestion in the case you haven't 


What is the diary that appears when you click on character for?

What does "Soul Mate" entail?  Does this mean I can't flirt and do Exhibitionist stuff in front of people anymore?  I know "officially dating" is no sexual acts with anyone including the bus groper. 

(1 edit)

Could you possibly name a "The Classrom Harasser"! What's going on with this girl?! Hint: Will she ever leave you alone? what will it take?" What to do?It's been about 1.5 months now. 

normally there is a scene that makes them able to invite you to the art building, I believe in class/after the class you have with them. It happens randomly I think.


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