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how do i go on a date with paxton


Character names aren't the same for each seed. Does this Paxton person have a a particular special role in your game?


I assume Paxton is the main characters BFF, I think you can date them but it takes time, gen them lusting after you and you should eventually be able to hang out and date them.  Using remote control sex toys from the internet shop and letting them control them might help, sending mild sexy selfies will too.

you are both right its the best friend, ive raised his lust meter but he isnt reciprocating

hang out with the character make plans gift them the meter youd want to edit is the romance meter if you go to the hints menu on the options tab and wish to not use cheats look there 


Dating the BFF isn't just about raising their lust, they're a special character so there are storylines to romancing them. Right now there are two options: the quad party line, and the dorm room event line.

Quad Party: Keep going to the quad party on Hanna South Road every Friday. Eventually you'll be prompted to investigate the milkshakes the boys keep giving out (if you're also a boy one of them will say something suspicious, if you're a girl you have to drink them and notice a strange flavor). Then go in and out of the building till there's an option to investigate a strange noise. Do that and get a scene with the BFF.

Dorm Room Events: Take a shower in the morning, and you may randomly get an event with the BFF. After you get it wait about a week and you can randomly get another event when going from the hallway to your dorm room. Choose to help them and get  another scene.

After EITHER of these storylines (you don't have to do both) keep visiting them in the evening to talk about sex. Things will escalate until you and BFF have the "what are we?" talk, and you can choose to date them.

thank u




Hey I want to know what's up with the override genitals text thing


Found a bug but pls don't fix it, make it a feature and expand it. I was able to walk in public with my tits out by working at the River Rat.

Yea, that's the same bug I got when leaving the Bar after a shift forced to leave and given the option to change back into "normal" cloths.

you can do this at a night time if your Exhibitionism is high enouh

Not in town tho. Only at the college. With this bug, I'm halfway naked in town.


Minor bug report: the rock tumbler doesn't seem to sum up all the time that has passed. It seems that it only deduces the time of events less than one hour from what I've encountered.


Thanks, will be fixed in next version


Hey, sorry to bother you with this. I think it might be wise to remove the ability to tattoo a child on your crotch. Take care.


I love this game, the Exhibitionist aspects are the best of any game I've ever played.

I'd love to see some double ended toys in the porn shop.

Found a minor bug when leaving the bar at the end of a night wont give the option to change clothes, sometimes letting you leave topless as a female and getting a error message when having your breasts groped on the bus.  You get weird wording when going to work at the burger place while topless, lifting "nothing" and flashing someone at the drive thru.


Good morning, afternoon, evening or night (I don’t know when you will read this message). I am very glad that you continue to work on your game project. Maybe I congratulate you on the New Year too early, but I hope that you will not lose your motivation and will delight us with new achievements.


love the new update maybe this could branch out to getting to visit parents?


Got an interesting bug. Started a new game, and every time I go to sleep I wake up on the first day of summer break. 


who wouldnt want to stay on summer break forever?

yeah but it’s like Groundhog Day, I just keep waking up on the same day

same issue here rip


Lowkey sounds like a dream


Sorry about that, should be fixed in the current version, 0.6.1a! If you're playing it on the site you may need to refresh the page, otherwise just redownload

i am on the newest version of the game it still happens to come around this my characters just dont sleep until summer break is over

if you sleep this happens and resets the time  

Hmm! Strange, I can't reproduce it since applying the fix

just realised that itch only has v0.6.1 while v0.6.1a is only on the official website on the


i wish that happened to me irl

(3 edits) (+4)(-2)

Is there any chance not to become submissive to the "roommate's partner" (besides ignoring the storyline) or are they a Mary Sue? And is there a way to turn the table on the star quarterback (I know you can block out traumatising events... but I've been there in RL and would really like to turn the scenario - in fantasy at least? )

Accommodating: Being dominated is a turn-on. (Gain extra Arousal from submissive acts.) (add) here for example, how is that meant exactly?, are you the one getting bonus from seeing an NPC do submissive acts or do you have to do it?

Not sure if that is really a wording problem or just me


Accommodating is you being the sub, Forward is you being the dom. The starting  inclinations tell you what your character is like, the turn ons/turn offs part tells you what they like in others.


Any chastity belts planned? Especially vibrating one from mistress.

(1 edit) (+3)

Just saw this for the first time, needed to ask, is there any way to make money via having sex?(either sugar baby or direct prostitution, or porn ig) And if not, are there plans to add it?

no. Closes thing is being a cam-site person

(1 edit) (+7)

If you work at Quickieburger or the River Rat customers may occasionally ask for sexual favors, and you can ask for money in return. 

At Quickieburger customers sometimes ask "so how much for a quickie?" and if your disinhibition is high enough you can give an amount, and they may take you up on it. At the River Rat they may ask for your underwear, or oral, or a thigh job, or full sex, etc.

edit: It's been in the game so long I forgot about it but idk if you know: You can also bet money at the arcade. If you lose the winner may do sexual things to you. And every weekend there's a video game tournament and if you lose then you either have sex with the person who takes #1 or orally service everyone who does better than you. You get paid for doing either one.


Here are a few things that I would personally like to see added:

Being able to go completely naked to class (and be either rewarded or punished)

Being able to go completely naked into town (potentially be arrested)

Cyber Security for your phone and computer (being able to turn security on and off) and Malware/Viruses. Either try to avoid malware or purposely let your device get infected.

Actual debt, negative numbers.

(1 edit) (+5)

Crime/arrest are on the roadmap. I don't know when it's planned for (and I don't think the author knows yet either), but it'll be added at some point.


Okay. Being able to go completely naked anywhere is just silly beyond anything especially during the day. But...maybe if you were able to take a trenchcoat with you.


Exhibitionism has a ton of unused space. It actually does literally nothing past 6 right now.


Skinny dipping is written into road map. I hope it will be implemented soon.


What is the point of EXHIBITIONISM if you can't EXHIBIT yourself freely? To be seen walking NAKED in PUBLIC is the definition of Exhibitionism.

At the current point in time, I think the Exhibitionism trait should be renamed Nudism since you're not truly being an Exhibitionist right now. Walking naked, at NIGHT while still at COLLEGE is as close as you get.


I second public nudity (and potential punishment for doing it).

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm playing this through the itchio desktop app (instead of my browser) and I can't find where/how to access the save file or console commands

(1 edit)

That's very strange. I always use the itch desktop app and haven't had any issues saving since the day the new save system was implemented, which was quite a while ago by now. It was broken the first day, but then it was fixed and hasn't had any issues since. Can you provide a screenshot?

Or... did you mean the Save to File? It should display a popup asking you where to save it.

I have a quick question, is there any repercussion to skipping class repeatedly? I haven't tried it yet and I can't find anything about it online. I'm just kind of curious.


Well, I also haven't tried it, but I do know that having a low grade has repercussions -- it increases the weekly amount owed. (In story, they want their loan money back faster because you don't seem to be applying yourself.)

I've spent the last week trying to miss school the entire time, nothing really changes. As long as you keep attending school on test day you can just not go the other days, it'll just be slightly harder studying for the test.

this is probably a rather stupid question and the way to access it is easy, but how do you access the gloryholes?


Go to the porn shop on different days with enough stats or do the dares with the roommate's partner.

Thank you very kindly!! 🩷


Loses virginity to classroom harasser.  2 Compliance needed.

Complain about classroom harasser.

Talks with best friend at night.

Your toon: Guess who isn't a virgin anymore. 

Celebrates with best friend.

...really? 😂Seems like there should be a unique dialog for this that's less positive. Someone needs to go back and rewrite things.


I really like this game; simulation stuff like this is always so easy to get into a groove with. However. I wish there were more actual written/story-based events for intimate scenes, as just clicking the buttons and seeing a few sentences on what happens can get very repetitive. I know that that can be hard to implement, though. I just wish I could do more story-wise with the admirer or best friend, instead of the storylines just ending.


I don't think any of the storyline routes are complete yet. I imagine there will be a lot more added for all of them.

True! I really hope that that's the case, I love seeing progressions such as those :)


I wish you could change more about NPCs because there was one I was vibing with but he wouldnt date me cuz he was straight (at least, he was straight when he wasn't taking my dick ig)


I wish there were more (sexy) punishments for when you cheat on an exam. 


maybe a way to only wash stained clothes


Do you mean to be able to wash single, selected, pieces of clothing? I don't know what else would be the motivation to implement what you propose.

I don't get it. Could someone explain it to me? The way it is implemented now, just wear something not stained and everything else will be washed. Including all the stained pieces. What's wrong with this?


Because you can only wear one set of clothing. If you have multiple, even the non-stained clothes are washed and you cannot change clothes.

(5 edits) (+1)(-4)

I still don't get the point. The washing process takes only one hour? I just put everything inside, stay there and play a video and voila, everything is clean. At least at the moment it doesn't matter if you wash your clean clothing a thousand (or more) times.

I do get however that one might want to wash just some selected pieces. Like just *some* stained but not all. So you can wear all your favorite, unnecessarily stained, panties while selling all the others stained ones to the perverts.

And tbh, I also would like the clothing getting dirty, not necessarily stained, after wearing it for a while. If this was the case and wearing dirty clothing would cause some reaction (which to my knowledge it doesn't atm), and if the capacity of the washing machine was limited, *then* selecting which pieces to wash would be 100% justified.


Yeah, dirty clothes could be a cool mechanic, have it add a flat debuff to the hygiene modifier or something; an incentive to actually interact with the washing machine even if you are inclined to avoid situations that gets your clothes dirty.


Having dirty clothes already reduces your hygiene stat. That mechanic is already in the game.

The point, that now is impossible to start wash clothes and go to participate at swimming competition. 

(2 edits) (-2)

You mean, it's impossible to go immediately, right? You can of course wait for one hour and go. There is nothing that would prevent you from doing it, right? So in the end we are talking about a one hour delay? In a game that plays over almost a year?

Well, everyone has their priorities, but tbh, the way the OP has written the original request, I would rather have Anthaum write new events instead.

And again, I don't mean I don't get the point of selecting pieces of clothing to wash separately. I do get it. Provided the game would add some really interesting reasons for it. Like what I wrote in my previous post.

My comments are only in relation to the OP's request. And I never had the problem with waiting the one hour when playing. But of course ymmv. Don't get mad at me. Not that I felt like anybody did.

(1 edit)

Dirty clothes do have a reaction while in town. Not on campus, except as relates to hygiene stat.


I think it would be fun to have threesomes as an option. It could be calling two friends to yours or their bedroom, as long as it matches their sexuality. 

I've heard of events like this if you're in the cheerleader team, but I'm speaking of "casually" calling two of your contacts for a threesome without needing to rely on an event that only happens if you're in a specific activity.


Are you working on the pregnancy feature ? I hope you can make a pregnancy features soon.


The longer it takes to implement, the worse it's going to be in the long run. It'll effect everything. It's not as simple as adding a new location or a new event/job. It'd be a core mechanic. Something that will most likely be a part of every old and new event and update. Past events and interactions might have to be rewritten to account for it. I'd think it's being worked on over several months in the background instead of something to simply add in a single month or two time of work.

Small changes have all ready been implemented anyway to account for pregnancy being a thing in the future. I'd probably expect they can add contraception before they add cycles, and then later on add actual pregnancy. Then you also have to factor in events of what certain npc would say if they're the one that got you or you got pregnant. Then other npc could potentially get others pregnant without you even being a factor. It's something that I'd probably not want to start putting into the game because it'd take so much time to do correctly. A weather system, housing system update, school update, and tons of other systems would be easier to implement than pregnancy at the moment.


Along with the menstrual cycle, the pill, the pill after, condoms and other means of birth control.


I feel like there should be an option to snub people. Like, I like the option to socialize with people before class, but it doesn't make sense that my character should try every day to talk to someone who clearly hates them and bullies them. 

It also makes it hard to lose friendship with people if they make you mad (I'm looking at you, friend who keeps telling everyone I blew him. You don't get to stay my friend if you keep interrupting class to tell people that!)

So maybe a toggle on their info page where we can decide if we're mad at/avoiding them? And then when it comes time to socialize before class they won't show up in the people we try to strike up conversation with, or we ignore them if they do.

I was wondering if you could add a cheat to remove one of the master's rules. Mine just added one that fucked up how I have to dress just not to get in trouble 

If it's not too late you can reload a save from before you were giving the rule, do things in a different order, and it will change the RNG and you may get a new rule to follow.

it's too late 😭


I was able to find my save from the day before and got a different rule!

Yaaay! :)


I noticed that since the recent update, the 'resist penetration' and 'ask not to penetrate' options always result in them relenting. Is this intentional? or is it a bug?


You might have the dominant skill and/or they have the submissive skill which increase the chance of them doing what you ask

(3 edits)

I made sure they had the taker, sadist, and dom inclinations. i even made sure they hated me. all tests resulted in them relenting.

Im also using the dangerzone seed.

You mean the v0.6.0f version?

Correct. i have done multiple tests.

Location, inclinations, stats, friendliness, gender.

No matter what, if you Resist or ask. they will relent immediately.

Hmm.. I played so many versions lately that I don't really know. It's possible - and I believe you if you say so - that there is a new bug in the f version.
Since a g version was released, did it get better?

No. i won't blame the creators though. its a very small detail. you'd have to actively seek it out to notice.

most people just assume rng and move on. i wanted a specific result, and upon not getting it. i did some testing. so unless they intentionally removed it to be less... 'Rapey' It was probably broken in a tweak or something. 

Can you tell me in which version it still worked? I would try to find the cause and if successful post a bug report on Discord. Or did you already do it?


This game needs body paint. That would work well with the exhibition gameplay. 

(1 edit) (+13)

Might I make a request for more activities to do when you chose to roleplay as a loner? I find it really hard to keep relaxation and attention up (although the addition of books have been interesting) without spending a day or so of the week spam clicking interaction with the pet.

Maybe an option to sit by yourself in the park (and have possible encounters with various NPC there) or work part-time at the school's library for money.


Isn't playing with and CollegeCams as well as watching tv in the lounge perfectly fine for loners? These are pretty strong Relaxation wise. You can also always play games alone.

(1 edit)

They restore relaxation, yes, but not attention. To my knowledge the only way to get attention as a loner is to be stared at when you ran into someone while you walk, and that's rather minimal. Otherwise it's constantly calling your friend to hang out and making sure you don't miss the nightly hangouts.

To be fair, getting low attention while being a loner is definitionally expected, but I think there should still be more activities to do though.


Yes, you are completely right. I forgot you mentioned both, Relaxation *and* Attention.

More activities are of course always welcome and if you are honest, the main work put into the game atm is to provide more activities. The whole River Rat thingy is full of new activities.

I think we are to see more and more activities as the development of the game progresses.


Streaming does absolutely nothing for Relaxation, and can increase Attention.

At this point, Pesha, with all your ludicrous comments, I am pretty well convinced you haven't actually played this game longer than it took for you to learn specific terms and are now just constantly trolling.

Not sure if bug, oversight, or if I'm missing an inclination or something, but...

After unlocking River Rat management and going straight to topless outfit (because what else?), the following takes place:

-Clock in

-Get told to put on Uniform

-Put on Topless Uniform

-"You can't go out like this! (You're not wearing a top.)"

(And for the record in case it changes something, I'm pretty sure I have every Exhibitionist inclination; Cautious, Lewd, Proud, and Helpless)

What's your Exhibitionism skill value? I would think this is too low. But you are probably right. Might be a bug. Anathaum said there will be an update soon-ish with a lot of further bug fixes.

10 Exhibitionism (Cheated playthrough because I restart every time there's a new update and don't feel like playing through everything manually to see new content).

(1 edit)

Have you posted on Discord? There is a similar topic being discussed atm. Seems to be a bug in fact from what I've seen there so far.

I don't know if someone already asked this but why the bar of skills becomes blue sometimes?  I haven't figured what it means

(2 edits) (+2)

If Daily Skill Caps are on (toggleable in Options), the bars will turn blue to indicate that you have reached the cap for that day.

I personally find the most enjoyment with them off, but that's entirely up to you. On is the default and the way the game is intended to be played.

Oh, i see, i didn't even know that was a thing. Thanks!


Could we please get a "permanently ignore" option for the cat, it gets rather tedious constantly pressing ignore.

Why? Playing with it gives Charisma skill points and, if successful, Relaxation. Why would you want to shut this off?


1. It's personal preference, I have 0 interest in cats. If everything else is changeable through settings, why can't the cats be?

2. Why would I waste my time going to the cats for charisma when it is one of the easiest traits to build passively.

3. I'm not asking for the cats to be removed from the game... I'm not some self indulgent douche who thinks that simply because I don't have an interest that no one else should have that content...

Fair enough.


The squirting scene in the Clinic is diabolical. It deeply awakened a medical kink in me. Thank you. I love you. 


I just had a thought. With the river rat being a bar and such it gave me the idea of why not add a bar maid dress to the game and you can get a slight work level up bonus when wearing it?


streaming, and river rat job performance take to long to level up

Well. Perhaps for now. And compared to the QuickieBurger you are completely right. Keep in mind though that at the moment we only have effectively one year of college life. The college will hopefully have all four years enabled some time in the future. Already now I think a lot of stuff is leveling up too fast. After I finished the first year and started the second, there were very few challenges left.


Do you intend to support more languages in the future? For example Vietnamese?


Open the html file in a text editor and look at what the code looks like.

Not only are there more than 300,000 words (according to Anthaum), they are "all over the place". Do you have any idea how to implement it in a way to have multiple languages?

Not to snuff you, but it's very improbable that someone from the dev team will want to go this way. My answer is of course in no way official or anything. That's just from the comments I've seen from them when people asked about versions in other languages.

Yeah, I know it's really hard... On the other hand it takes a lot of time, well, including the cost of hiring an expert to avoid word usage errors or misinterpretations... adding new languages is not a good idea, I guess. The game is not really finished and there are still many updates in the future, if a new language is added then at least the game should be finished first:p


Honestly, I really like this. It's one of my favorites out here. But, well.. Playing as a woman, in a way, feels more complete? I don't know how to say it properly, but, yeah.. Playing as a male doesn't really feel as fleshed out. Still pretty fun! 8/10, whole lotta potential


I feel the same way about the dom/sub elements. Feels like theres more sub content than dom. 

Also the dom/sub stat feels a bit sensitive? Like if I'm casually nice, my sub level with that character goes up? I'm not even sure what exactly is increasing it, but I'm definitely not letting people walk all over/control me.


Some imporyant NPCs are straight, which is a bummer to me that their storylines are locked behind a gender-wall. Could that be changed so they are avaiable to all player characters? Or havs them be unmarked as important so people dont try to do anything and get frustrated when it doesng work.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you give an example?
What happens if you change a gender of e.g. a cis female character with straight preferences to cis male, will she (now he) still like men? Or will he be straight and now like women?

I'm talking about the option during world generation to change the gender of some of the special characters.

(1 edit)

None of the special NPCs are orientation-locked at all, except Roommate's Partner, which is locked to "some orientation that includes both Roommate and MC." Since Roommate is always the same AGAB as the MC, this is rarely relevant. They may be a specific orientation in that playthrough, but it's randomized based on the options you selected at the start. And with special NPCs, it actually prioritizes compatibility with your MC.


such a good game!! however i really want a lil mini pixel character on the side, sort of like degrees of lewdity has ! it would make the game a bit better on your eyes, even tho i like reading it would have that cool visual effect!!! overall i love the game otherwise :)


0.6 :D

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