Course of Temptation is a detailed adult college life simulator. It’s text-based and runs right in your browser.

Featuring a detailed simulation with hundreds of possible events and erotic scenes, you can explore your exhibitionist, voyeuristic, and debauched fantasies through your character.

Play as male or female (with transgender options) or non-binary.

Kinks explored: exhibitionism, casual sex, wardrobe malfunctions, voyeurism, dares and bets, a bit of coercion and sexy bullying, and general college debauchery.

This game was first released in July 2023. It's in active development and will be updated over time! You can find dev diaries and participate in development polls on my Patreon and SubscribeStar. You can also check out the development roadmap to see what's coming up.

Suggestions, bug reports, or just want to discuss the game? Come on over to the Discord!


A detailed life simulator: Manage your character’s day-to-day needs, skills, attitudes, clothes, and so on.

Character customization: Choose your appearance and outfits. Build your skills how you like. Do what you like.

Choose your attitude: As your character discovers things about themselves, choose their inclinations, deciding how they’ll react to similar situations in the future.

Corruption… or awakening: Initially reluctant and easily embarrassed, your character can learn to abandon shame and embrace their sexuality.

A different story every day: Make plans as you like. Go to class. See a movie. Work out at the gym. Make some questionable side bets at the arcade. But expect surprises. Hundreds of events mean you can never be sure exactly what will happen.
A living world: Your world has a population of hundreds, including fellow students, professors, coworkers, bosses, criminals, and many more.

An erotic narrative: Long-term plotlines with recurring characters will play out over time, including erotic prose that’s reactive to your character and your decisions.

People with attitude: Different attitudes, inclinations, and skills mean varied interactions with the people of the world. Some will be your friend, some will be obstacles.

People with memory: That time you flashed the boys at a party. That restroom encounter at the seedy bar. That time the wind flipped your skirt. They’ll remember, and it’ll matter. Everything has consequences.

Earn a reputation: Sometimes people talk and secrets don’t stay secret. Expect word of some of the things you do to spread and shape the attitudes of others.

Updated 15 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(1,107 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Role Playing, Simulation
Made withTwine
TagsAdult, Erotic, LGBTQIA, Life Simulation, Slice Of Life, Text based, Twine
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LinksPatreon, Community, Homepage


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Course Of Temptation (desktop) 5.6 MB
Version v0.6.2h
Course Of Temptation (Android) 9.4 MB
Version v0.6.2h

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Can you date bullies?

(1 edit) (+3)

Suggestion: Perfumes
If the MC is wearing perfume it could give their attractiveness a small boost. Or if we make it even more detailed, there could be different types of perfumes, and NPCs might like or dislike it based on their preferences.

That's very doable, similar to how bad hygiene alters interaction effectiveness. Store favorite types in the person's data somewhere and apply bonuses when you match the type, I guess.

Although attractiveness as a stat doesn't really exist, it's all subjective to an NPC's personal turnons/turnoffs, and they can only have 2 of each (so it can go from -2 to 2 at the moment). It can definitely use some expansion later down the line, maybe even a separate system for tiny things like that where you can pick a lot of them, but they're not as strong.


Are there any plans to feature crossdressing content in the game?




"you haven't spat out any c*m. Good girl." (0///0) oh wow


Came here from a DoL-related discussion.  So far, I like what I'm seeing, a lot. Not getting assaulted at every turn is refreshing XD

I've been playing this game like Sims, grinding money, skills and relationships, and didn't even notice how 28 days have passed and my character obtained the Chaste trait.  So it's not all nsfw, which is a very good thing for an "adult" game, in my opinion. Always nice to have more things to do in addition to sex.

(And the absence of images is a blessing. If you live somewhere with non-English speaking population, not a lot of people will notice the naughtiness, even if they get curious enough to look at your screen).


Will there be like Basic visual thing idk what to call it? Like in degrees of lewdity? I mean it's very good as it is but still

What does the performance change multiplier and the vibe change multiplier do?


it changes how quickly you get raises and the vibe changes in river rat


can you bring your dominant to the extra content in the library? like the Saturday night sessions


So can the player get molested and raped yet? :I

Deleted 3 days ago

girl just go play degrees of lewdity if you wanna get fake raped


mind sending the link of the game? I cant find it ;-;

Have you found it? If not, here's the link:


Would be great to play Strip Poker game in Chicory Hall Lounge.

(2 edits) (+8)

Excuse me, dunno if it's the right place or if you are even open to any suggestion at all, but i'll just ask anyway first and apologize later
could you add balls and their size customisation perhaps also a correspondingly growing cum volume just seems really odd to not have any or almost any mention of them as if we're running around without them... xD

And thanks for the game it's really fun, looking forward to it's future~

Best regards Oni~

Deleted 6 days ago

Because there were two December updates.


We want a Spanish version!!!


The game isn't even complete yet. Maybe you should volunteer to translate it when it's done.


Game's great, but I wonder if we will get an ability to live in other dormitories. This would be like difficulty change, with 'debt' from your parents being higher the better your dorm building is.


As far as these text based erotic games go, this one is by far my favorite. I can't wait to see where the game will go. I do have a few suggestions though

1. Don't put images depicting the characters or actions. I'm not afraid of this getting added from just how many character features there would be to consider, but I'm gonna say this anyways because I love how the game kinda has me use my imagination to visualize the characters and their interactions.

2. Anilingus. This was the first thing I tried in a sexual encounter, only to be disappointed that there isn't any interaction for it. The dudes, transgirls and amabs need their holes licked too.

3. More variety within dates and hangouts. Some fleshing out is needed, like hanging out should not always just be watching videos, maybe they play videogames instead or dance for example. The actual selection of activities is good, but going out for drinks at The River Rat should for sure be added. Maybe within that there could be optional or random events where you and your date/friend plays darts or pool.

4. I think the calendar is all messed up. Why can't it just be a normal 12 month January - December year cycle? The years feel like they slip by too fast in gameplay and its also just confusing. At the very least add an option for a normal 12 month year during character creation because forcefully implementing it would no doubt break a lot of peoples saves.

5. More hats. I want the baker boy caps, I want the peaked caps, the kepis, the turbans, maybe even some odd ones like an umbrella hat or a helicopter hat. I think having a drinking hat that steadily increases your food or rest meters while decreasing your bladder meter would be a fun twist on a clothing item as well.

That was all I had. Games fun, can't wait to see more of it.


Suggestion 1 should just be a switch, there are people that just don't know what a certain thing or character would look like. How am I supposed to know what a thin eye-catchingly dressed purple-haired college girl with expressive eyebrows would look like?

You can disable showing images directly in the internet browser.


Unable to save customized Penis Size and butt size. 

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? 

Do you perhaps go back one turn every now and then after customizing them? Because I've noticed going back to the turn that you changed the attributes seems to reset them back to their original


Can you be naked in town/get to town naked,zoophilia be dropping someday?,lost clothes events?,locked out naked?,losing your clothes, getting clothes stolen ?,etc is any of that in game


There are events where you can flash people in town, and people react if they notice you're not wearing a bra/underwear. There's also a chance for someone to steal your underwear when you shower in your dorm room. But that's about it afaik.

If those are the kinds of things you like tho, I recommend you check out Degrees of Lewdity if you haven't already.


Oh let me get on my knees and thank you for telling me about that's beautiful 

I keep seeing people recommending or mentioning Degrees of Lewdity here. But I can’t find it. Would you be so kind as to Link?.

(+2) !


thank you!


You could also check out It has the original Degrees of Lewdity as well as a bunch of mods for it.

I can't personally recommend any because I don't even like the game, but if you see something you like, the option's there.




Get naked and also masturbate should be allowed anywhere, because it is sandbox simulator game, but it is not implemented (yet). I hope it will be.


Is it possible to date an Ex again?


After 28 days you're supposed to be able to mend your relationship again. Not sure how well it's implemented, seems to be one of those fringe things barely anyone gets to play out.


How much does my body influence the game because there's quite a lot of options 

Height, body, breast size,dick size,ass size ,skin color ,hair color, and all that stuff 

What of those influence the game, random events, conversations, etc

By the way is there pregnancy or something?


as far as I know Skin Colour changes nothing. But I could be wrong. I have only played three characters so far. And they all charged skin colour with me. But everything else you said makes a difference in who does and doesn’t find you attractive going based on looks only. Before they know your personality. But I don’t imagine this game maker, making characters be racist. Or if they did, it would probably be optional to block it. So I doubt it’s in there. 


Other than what NPCs find attractive (which is randomly generated per NPC; there's nothing considered objectively attractive), the only ones that have mechanical effect are height and body type. Height affects Physicality stat and body type affects both Physicality and Athleticism.


Hmm, how do I give suggestions to developers, because I'm really annoyed sometimes and want to enter a hole without wearing a condom, I have to ask first.


Developers please add force or rape option to make it look so fun that they can't resist even though they can resist depending on their strength


Wtf bro, chill out with your rape fantasies.


If you want to play something like that, then play DoL+ or BDCC.


People like you are the reason people like me can't safely go outside at night.  Get some therapy.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

I'm confused as to why the game doesn't have a save file loader for pure text—something like what "Degrees of Lewdity" has. It has the option to save to the clipboard, can't see why it can't go both ways.

Unless I'm missing something

Is there a reason you can't save to file...? I'm honestly not sure what Save to Clipboard is even for.


This is what it should look like... Typically I dont help other devs solve issues, but this one is one of good ones and I just happened along your comment...

It's more of a special case where a player is cross platform. 

I play on pc and on android. Saving via clipboard saves me a lot more time than file saving.

You can change the contents of the save file on pc via this method. Pretty hard to do the other way around.

i see…


It does. Have played, can confirm...


I cannot increase friendship ,I am  getting error.

Im having the same problem 

The issue is fixed. Thank you.


v0.6.2g. Something broke the "Always Show Meter Percentages". I tried turning it off and on with not results.

v0.6.2h. Issue fixed. Thanks.


I use a translator, which may not be very accurate.could you please add a function of calling npc?my best friend called me when I was going to sleep,but I haven't called since(


im not sure if this is a thing or not but can you please make it possible for a condom to break?


i've noticed a bug where sending a photo to a professor pulls up an error message and they reply with [undefined].

also the mechanics for professors just seem really weird. like i get why but even professors who don't teach a class you're in don't have any romance milestones or things, and in general it just feels a little jarring.


Texting professors is pretty buggy in general, like sometimes they just parrot what you said back to you. Pretty funny when you ask your professor "Wanna see my tits?" and they respond with "Wanna see my tits?" xD


How does the dominance bar work?


If they have a Dominant Bar they are your dominant. If they have a Submissive Bar, you are their Dominant. Beyond that I haven’t done it myself yet so I don’t know. I hope that helps at least a little.


I've been enjoyed playing around with the game quite a bit, and I might try to do some speedruns for skill progression on base gain just out of curiosity, but I am interested in how NPCs handle skill checks and inclinations.

Does every NPC have a hidden stat sheet like your own? If not, are skill checks that pit your skill against another character based on other factors like personality and traits?

Also, do inclinations work exactly the same for NPCs? I've been messing a bit with it and I can't be sure, I've tried to give certain inclinations to partners by fulfilling the requirements your character would normally need to gain them, but it doesn't always seem to function. Is the list of inclinations NPCs can gain more limited than the player character?



HA something incrediblee happened, my character just got a CRUSH on the ROOMMATE, i swear (I'd love to see it happen) but hoow, basically impossible


If you follow the storyline with the roommate's partner you can end up in a relationship with both the roommate and their partner!


Huh, I've gotten the option for them to both be my Master, which the game currently codes as a relationship, but I believe that will change eventually when dom/sub dynamics are reworked. Is there another way to enter a relationship with them?

I did mean a Master/Sub relationship, yes. Though I think you can either be sub for both of them or also be the master of the Roommate depending on your choices!


Yeah, I figured the dynamic might be different if you are a dom. But even though I've created dom characters and tried to play them, just to see the content, I'm way too much of a sub myself to get into it...

Wait how do you end it? because I've been doing the challenges for so long


Without spoiling too much (and only based on my vague recollection, bc I honestly don't like these characters much so I only did this once a long time ago): 
Keep completing the challenges the roommate's partner gives you. Eventually you may get an event where there's a sock on your dorm room's handle. Go in anyway and interrupt your roommate.
A week or two after this event the partner will come into the dorm room uninvited and ask you something. Be truthful with them. This will prompt another scene where you can choose how things play out (basically whether you wanna be dominant or submissive with these two). 
A week or two after THAT event and when entering your dorm room you may get the chance to make your little throuple official, either being a sub for both of them or dom over your roommate along with their partner.

well damn, i wish i knew about that otherwise i wouldnt of told her to stop after the first challenge because i got a bad vibe from it to begin with

might just save that for another run at this point




The clipboard method of saving the game doesnt seem to work, other than that, i loved the game! 

It does, it's just that you have to edit the save file manually for it to be loaded.

(1 edit)

oh, thank you, i'll try that!

edit: cant seem to figure out how to


First off this game is great but I just have a couple questions like is there any progression with the library stuff after the volunteer work.


Doing extra credit tasks at the library eventually opens up some BDSM content if you're someone's sub (with compliance 3 or higher) or someone's master (with assertiveness 3 or higher).


thank you for answering this. Cuz I was wondering the same thing before I waste time ticking around with the RNG to get through the whole Library Event line. And the effort of become somebodies dominant.

(1 edit) (+1)

The graphics are all broken for me in edge, but not in chrome. 


Essa nova atualização tá impecável


This update is amazing

Caraca, primeira vez vendi uma Br aqui


Now the update is here and we have to wait till GTA VI comes out


Yay one step closer to the pregnancy update. Great work all.


exciting hehe

(1 edit) (+2)

is their a place to look at the plans for the game?. Because I would love to some day be able to get a house and start an actual Family in this game.

or atleast live in an apartment instead of a dorm.

Developers have a list somewhere on the main page that talks about what is going to get developed as the game goes on. This list however is less of a roadmap and more along the lines of planned features.

bro I was about to go crazy waiting for update



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