Hey can you add [offensive term for trans women] and [offensive term for intersex people] Hey can you remove this Weird Gender Thing *points at nonbinary options* Hey can you add ai slop i completely lack imagination
There are Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. So I'd assume this college lasts four years. But the calendar on my phone doesn't stop after four years. Does this game have an end at all at this stage of development? What happens after four years? I never bothered to play this long. What happens after, say, three years if your boyfriend is one year older? Does he leave you?
It's relatively early in development right now, so if you play through a whole year you just start freshman year over again. So if you played 4 years you would just repeat freshman year 4 times. I'm not sure what the plan is going forward, though!
I've had trouble getting the slut inclination myself. I've got the casual hookup inclination, disinhibition 8 and 30 or so sexual partners but nothing. I think starting with the inclination or using cheats is the only way to get it at the moment.
I just found a bug in a new game… when looking at people list, we got the number of people in area (ex, people (8)), but then we enter the option and there’s nobody in “People Here” :/
EDIT: kinda “fixed” it…. the problem seems to be the bug when rubbing one in shower in the intro…. if you try, get an error and, later, my bug; if you don’t, no bug… so far
So what do you all think about a real schedule for the bus? I mean the bus literally waiting for you to pop up is very convenient. But be serious. It's not very realistic. Since we have to keep track of a lot of scheduled events in our college life, why not be restricted by the bus timetable? I think the bus should go every 15' during peak hours (say, 6 am to 8 pm) and then 30' from 4 am and until 10 pm and only once an hour in the night. I would love this more of realism.
It's also a bit strange that the bus is free. But perhaps it's covered in the tuition fees. I can accept this.
What about paid taxi/uber service if it became late and you juuuust missed the bus?
ok wait hold up i think i figured it out... do i need to like figure out what their likes and dislikes are in a person or not? is that the reason why i cant ask them out-
Likes/dislikes contribute but aren't deal breakers in dating someone, you can date someone who dislikes all your characteristics. It can just take a long time to get the option to propose a relationship! Like a month or 2 of ingame time. Just keep going on dates and you should eventually get the option, but note depending on their inclinations they may not accept an exclusive relationship. They might prefer an open relationship, poly relationship, Dom/Sub relationship, or a fuckbuddy relationship.
Hmm.. Not really. I never paid attention to this and the guys always ask me to be their girlfriend after some dating.
Did you go on dates already? In the window with information about your love interest there is a thing called "Date Card" if something romantic is going on with you both. There are some milestones to meet before being asked to go steady.
Also if you have a bf/gf with a residence in town, you can use their shower, toilet and stay the night if you had sex there and stayed after 9:00 pm. No chance to have breakfast or change the outfit or makeup the next morning. So come prepared.
There are a few sports already in the game. But what do you think about baseball/softball and perhaps soccer?
And the cheerleaders urgently need their own competitions. Just like in RL. Being just fuck toys for the football players is a bit hard to swallow. (No pun intended.)
It would be pretty cool to have just regular smoking (not weed) in game. Something like smoking zones where you could gain more opportunities to interact with others, maybe an inclination even, a turn on or off for some people. Just a small thing but I always found it funny how there's no stressed Uni students smoking like madmen in this place, speaking from experience loll
Hi, I'm a trans guy and I'm wondering how to change the description of the genitals to vagina, instead of front hole? Ik there's an option of "override description" but I can't quite figure out how it works. Would greatly appreciate help!
We're looking through the discord they have through patreon but it looks like other trans people are going through the same override genital text issue. We'll keep looking but we might not find a solution. The game's fun though, isn't it? ;)
thank you so much for help! A bummer with the problem but I'll just play as a cis guy for now loll. The game is really fun, I love how much choices there is!
Ah cool! You know ironically when I started playing the game, i didn't realize there were *two* sections that had trans and queer options. The first section was the one that let's you customize your own character and who they are attracted to and I thought the game would spawn more people of your attracted type.
BUT i missed the ADDITIONAL section where you can choose exactly the gender of people who spawn for the most part (except for key NPCs, like the Quickieburger Manager who is always a cis male). So apparently I'm the only trans woman in the whole school. Irony. 2Real2Real
you should just be able to put in the term you want in game options without having to click enter or anything, and it'll be saved. just tested it out, and it works. if it isn't for you, it might be a bug?
it was, fortunately, my own mistake. I had to restart the game and do it again and it worked this time, thank you so much! I think I probably hit the restart button on accident 😭
Depends on who you're going for! Special characters have special conditions to get into relationships with them. I think there's currently a way to date the best friend, classroom harasser, and roommate/roommate's partner, but no one else.
If you're talking about a rando? Some of them just may not be into a serious relationship and prefer to be fuckbuddies, others prefer open or poly relationships, others still might want a Dom/Sub relationship. But in general just date them a bunch. Eventually you can approach them on the People menu and propose a change in relationship. Or they may bring it up themselves after a successful date. This can take a looong time, like a month or more of ingame time.
Train up your Compliance/Submissiveness and keep showing up to hang out with the classroom harasser in the media lab and eventually you'll get a scene where they put a collar on you, and you'll be in a Dom/Sub relationship with them.
Ty, I was going for the cheerleader captain, and I already did all the conditions, only the officially dating part is left that's why I am asking. But I guess there's no update for that part yet (is there?) cause she's still dating the football star... The Cheer Captain Milestone I've accomplished so far below:
You can get NPCs to break up with their partner if you approach them through the People tab, but idk about special characters! I do know there's no special content for dating the Cheer Captain as of yet though.
The game is cool, but there are too few details such as in stores there is no division into male and female, or in principle there is little visual, that is, I would like to see exactly what you are buying and how it will look
idk how easy it would be to implement but I reckon it would be really cool to have cheat options like "All NPCs Max____" and "All NPCs Min____" for Friendship, Romance and Lust.
Maybe the ideal solution would be allowing the player to customize specific words like 'cum' and 'girlcum' but I understand if that's too complicated to implement.
Can we have the pregnancy update next? Also love the gamee!! ^__ ^
Also here's a suggestion maybe being able to buy a house or apartment and a little more choices in decorations like beds.... Also maybe add a dog to the pet list or a cat but you have to have a house or something like that . Also another restaurant would be nice ... And I know I'm Probably asking to much but maybe make a city we can travel to so we can like meet our parents and go to the mall or a amusement park with our boyfriend I don't know it just sounds fun.
Same about the pregnancy. I hate this "update by patreon exclusive poll" thing. Its constantly asked for on here, but it wont ever actually be done because the patron people don't want it and apparently their opinion is the only one that matters
I wish there was an option for the roommate not to be a jerk, and the game allowed us to befriend them.
I mean, we share the same bedroom, so it would be more benefical and welcoming if you could befriend a nice guy/gal that shares the room with you rather than always have a hostility towards the asshole that shares the room with you.
You have to start right at the beginning to be friendly and try to chat them up. Accept only answers where he/she is somewhat friendly. If the answer is negative, just go back (effectively undoing the action) and try again after you did something else. The probability is not that low to get a positive answer. If you consistently chat with them and abuse the back option so you build a positive rapport, once the conflict with her boyfriend/his girlfriend occurs it should be sufficient to stay in the positive zone. Be consistent and do the friendly chat all the time and slowly but surely your roommate won't hate you. That's at least how it works in my case.
DOL is not at all identical to CoT. The settings are completely different, DOL being in a whole town along with magic stuff and CoT is in a college campus that does have a small outer area accessible via bus and there's no magic
While I don't really care for the graphics of DOL I do like some mechanics in DOL that I wouldn't mind finding its way into CoT. The developers could stand to finesse some ideas from each other.
im so thankful for all the things you guys are giving us, really, but it would be incredible to add a option to be hermaphrodite and have the 2 genital organs! i want my boy with a kitty but with a massive coc* too!! <3
it was just a suggestion, people are getting pressed over this when they are the same that play games with futa girls and femboys?? leave my hermaphrodites ALONE! 😭
Tbf the femboy thing is barebones. As a person who enjoys that content... Theres just nothing there. No one mentions it, its not a turn on/off for npcs, its... Nothing.
Hermaphrodites aren't really comparable to futanaris and femboys. Sure they are all often fetishized in creepy ways, but hermaphrodites are a myth, where futanaris are trans women and femboys are just feminine boys of any sex. Hermaphrodite is also often misused derogatively towards intersex people, who's genitals aren't comparable to that myth.
All of this to say, this is a realistic game, not really the place to play with mythological fetishes, which I think is why you got downvoted so much. Plus CoT handles transidentity and gender expression so well, and it feels misplaced to used them as a comparable argument in favor of a hermaphrodite fetish. Our identities are already fetishized enough, and often portrayed in a surnatural way (like AFAB futanaris who just suddenly grow a dick one day).
To each their own kink of course, you are allowed to have a thing for hermaphrodite characters. Just please stay mindful to separate fantasy and reality at the right times, especially when it comes to comparing gender identities to it.
futanaris are NOT transgender woman, they are named futa for that reason, also when you search for it, it says futanari sometimes are girls with both the organs, so it is no different. otherwise it would be just trans girl right?
also i DON'T have a "hermaphrodite fetish" nor have a "thing" for this, i AM intersex (hermaphrodite is a really old term and often used for harmful puporses but i use) also it is pretty weird to say i have a "kink" for this?? lol
i maded the suggestion bc i wanted to immerse myself in the game??
also the game could be very realistic and STILL allow this option, it is not a alien concept (well for some it is).
you were very respectful to me so i hope i was not rude to you, it is not my intention, really! but if you think people are downvoting my comment for "realistic purposes" idk what to say to you, but it is really NOT for this, i joined their discord one time, and SOME people there were really bigots (not the devs!)
Sorry if any of my points are offending you, especially regarding kinks. It seemed like a very specific demand for a sex game full of kinks, and your comment felt like requesting yours. My apologies for assuming.
Also, I don't know you at all, I had no idea you were intersex and so does everyone else. I only ever heard intersex people being called hermaphrodite as an insult or a creepy fetish. You have the right to reappropriate an insult of your community, but if you don't give any context then people are gonna assume that you're just being disrespectful ! (Don't worry, you're not the first queer person to make that mistake).
As for futanaris, I didn't know that much about them, just read some blogs about people making connection with a fetish of trans women. But if it's as wild as you describe, then yeah it would feel weird in this game.
However, I overall do agree with you that an intersex option could be a great addition to the game ! It is a realistic request, you're right. Your initial comment just felt like you were requesting an exaggerated hermaphrodite character similar to the myth where the word comes from, and not an intersex character. Sorry for my side of the confusion on this !
Find someone with the Dom, Sub, or Switch inclination. You can do this by using the Findr app, cheating to look at their inclinations, or going on dates/hangouts with them to learn more about them. You can also tell another way: Approach them to talk through the People tab. Choose the flirt option. If your Assertiveness/Dominance or Compliance/Submission is high enough (around 2 or 3) you should have the option to flirt dominantly with a submissive person, or flirt submissively with a dominant person.
Date the person a lot and act the role you want. For example if you want a Dom let them pay for dinner and movie dates, let them pick your food during dinner, let them touch you or speak up for you in the movies, let them lead during sex, send them pics when they ask, etc. If you want a sub you should be the one paying, speaking up for them, fondling them, moving them and being rough during sex, or sending pics.
Go on enough dates and act the role long enough and the person should eventually get a black bar under their Romance bar that is either Submission or Dominance. Keep dating and get that bar super high. Eventually you can approach them in the People tab and choose to change your relationship status with the person, and it should be an option to make them your sub or dom (although if they like you enough they may approach you first!)
Note that this process can take a while, it usually takes me a month or more of ingame time. Also note that a Dom/Sub relationship is considered a ROMANTIC relationship, so if you're in an exclusive romantic relationship with someone else (boyfriend/girlfriend or open partner) there won't be an option to have a Dom/Sub. You can have a Dom/Sub and any amount of poly partners, though.
If Dominance appears it means they are dominating you, while Submission would mean you're the dominant part in the relationship, right? I've seen the dominant bar appearing in bullies/rival relationships and it was a bit confusing
Right, they get the bar that shows their relationship to you. Bullies can get a dominance bar from bullying you. I think it contributes to the hatefuck relationship but I'm not entirely sure.
Technically you CAN get the bully inclination, but I don't think there's a lot of use for it so far, sadly. You can get it by choosing to trip people when randomly prompted for it when leaving class, or you can cheat to get it.
So far the only really 'mean' actions I've noticed is joining in when a bully is messing with someone, throwing paper back at bullies, tripping people, or gossiping about your rival to other students when you sit to eat with them.
What a great game. I love it already. But there is probably still something essential missing.
So, I'm playing a (female) cheerleader. My boyfriend with whom I already had sex is a football player and was even mentioned as active during a game we lost. So why isn't he coming to ask me for a blowjob after the lost game but a random bloke I don't even know the name of? I think this is silly. The squad captain can fuck her boyfriend so why can't I?
Either he should automatically ask me for the "relief" the squad captain mentions or I should have the option to give it to him myself.
BTW, if it's relevant: My Disinhibition is apparently too low for me to have the option to remove my underwear. Still, he's my frustrated boyfriend after a lost game for god's sake! ;)
Ah, right. I found the NUM-keypad-STAR method and with this I can at least reroll the guy who will propose sex. In this way I can make sure that I don't cheat on my boyfriend. He acts a bit strange, as if he didn't recognize me, but well, better than nothing. Apparently the game assumes that all cheerleaders are sluts and put out for everyone even if their bf is standing two yards away. And that the football players are dumb and don't care who fucks their girlfriend more or less in front of them.
I consider this a work around and this definitely should be fixed. Nothing against the possibility to play a total slut. But this should be an option imho.
And since I'm already nagging, anarchothaumaturgist, please excuse me for this but this shows how much I like the game and how much I want it to improve. But I would like to address some other topics.
What I also find strange is that once you denied some part during the act, like vaginal penetration, you can never try to do this again during that encounter. So things like "please wait a bit and I would like a bit more foreplay before you stick your dick in me" or "don't go leaping straight for the clitoris like a bull at a gate" are effectively impossible atm. And we need guys who can do it more than once during an act after some extensive work from the female's side. It's not like this is impossible in reality. Perhaps that should be dependent on a combination of their stamina and some rng. But the guy should at some time at least tell me "no honey I'm really totally spent, don't suck on my limp dick forever, it starts to hurt". Which atm sadly never happens. Ah, BTW hurt. If you play a vanilla girl who doesn't really like to be slapped or have their hair pulled, you can only tell the guy once to be more gentle. If he doesn't react properly, or "forgets", the only possibility now is to completely abandon the sex act.
I also think, once we have pregnancy, we not only need things like condoms, but also very real working pills. Like you have to take them daily and when you don't: BAD LUCK!
And of course we need menstrual cycles for females. I understand that this would be probably more difficult to implement than the whole pregnancy thing. Because it would influence a lot of game mechanics. But playing a female without "my days" feels really strange and incomplete.
You don't streak with pants on, you streak completely naked and only after 10pm at night.
If you mean skintight pants for the Elkbook challenge then the pants should say "skintight" in the item description in the store. Some examples would be compression pants or yoga pants at the activewear store. And of course you have to also not be wearing any underwear.
I need help, my character seems to be stuck in the dorm because she lost her bra somehow and only has lvl 1 exhibitionism. Am I missing something pretty obvious or what should I do ?
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obsessed with the comments that are just like Hey can you make the game more cisgender
Hey can you add [offensive term for trans women] and [offensive term for intersex people] Hey can you remove this Weird Gender Thing *points at nonbinary options* Hey can you add ai slop i completely lack imagination
Calm down, Gramsci, and please stop possessing this poor person, you've had your fun.
Perhaps a silly question, but....
There are Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. So I'd assume this college lasts four years. But the calendar on my phone doesn't stop after four years. Does this game have an end at all at this stage of development? What happens after four years? I never bothered to play this long. What happens after, say, three years if your boyfriend is one year older? Does he leave you?
It's relatively early in development right now, so if you play through a whole year you just start freshman year over again. So if you played 4 years you would just repeat freshman year 4 times. I'm not sure what the plan is going forward, though!
Thanks. That makes a lot of sense.
1) How to get Slut inclination? I have Disinhibition 10 and more than 50 different sexual partners and still nothing happens .
2) Maybe if arousal is maxed an orgasm should be imminent?
3) Do you plan to implement public/toilet/school/bus/anywhere masturbation?
I've had trouble getting the slut inclination myself. I've got the casual hookup inclination, disinhibition 8 and 30 or so sexual partners but nothing. I think starting with the inclination or using cheats is the only way to get it at the moment.
I had the same problem. Just exiting and opening the game again fixed it for me, in case you encounter the same problem again.
schizophrenia update, the voices are getting stonger
Hey after the november update im no longer able to see the customize npc option with cheats enabled. Am I missing something?
No like seriously its not there
So what do you all think about a real schedule for the bus? I mean the bus literally waiting for you to pop up is very convenient. But be serious. It's not very realistic. Since we have to keep track of a lot of scheduled events in our college life, why not be restricted by the bus timetable? I think the bus should go every 15' during peak hours (say, 6 am to 8 pm) and then 30' from 4 am and until 10 pm and only once an hour in the night. I would love this more of realism.
It's also a bit strange that the bus is free. But perhaps it's covered in the tuition fees. I can accept this.
What about paid taxi/uber service if it became late and you juuuust missed the bus?
All right. Seeing that twice as much people voted it down as people who voted it up I think it's not a very popular proposal.
What if it would be made optional? The are some people who liked the idea.
ok wait hold up i think i figured it out... do i need to like figure out what their likes and dislikes are in a person or not? is that the reason why i cant ask them out-
Likes/dislikes contribute but aren't deal breakers in dating someone, you can date someone who dislikes all your characteristics. It can just take a long time to get the option to propose a relationship! Like a month or 2 of ingame time. Just keep going on dates and you should eventually get the option, but note depending on their inclinations they may not accept an exclusive relationship. They might prefer an open relationship, poly relationship, Dom/Sub relationship, or a fuckbuddy relationship.
Hmm.. Not really. I never paid attention to this and the guys always ask me to be their girlfriend after some dating.
Did you go on dates already? In the window with information about your love interest there is a thing called "Date Card" if something romantic is going on with you both. There are some milestones to meet before being asked to go steady.
Is it possible to buy your own place?
Not right now, but you can rent a hotel room next to the bar if you want to spend the night in town.
Also if you have a bf/gf with a residence in town, you can use their shower, toilet and stay the night if you had sex there and stayed after 9:00 pm. No chance to have breakfast or change the outfit or makeup the next morning. So come prepared.
Where do I look it up?
There are a few sports already in the game. But what do you think about baseball/softball and perhaps soccer?
And the cheerleaders urgently need their own competitions. Just like in RL. Being just fuck toys for the football players is a bit hard to swallow. (No pun intended.)
It would be pretty cool to have just regular smoking (not weed) in game. Something like smoking zones where you could gain more opportunities to interact with others, maybe an inclination even, a turn on or off for some people. Just a small thing but I always found it funny how there's no stressed Uni students smoking like madmen in this place, speaking from experience loll
Hi, I'm a trans guy and I'm wondering how to change the description of the genitals to vagina, instead of front hole? Ik there's an option of "override description" but I can't quite figure out how it works. Would greatly appreciate help!
man, why the down vote, I'm just asking an honest question 😰
Not progressive enough.
We're looking through the discord they have through patreon but it looks like other trans people are going through the same override genital text issue. We'll keep looking but we might not find a solution. The game's fun though, isn't it? ;)
thank you so much for help! A bummer with the problem but I'll just play as a cis guy for now loll. The game is really fun, I love how much choices there is!
Ah cool! You know ironically when I started playing the game, i didn't realize there were *two* sections that had trans and queer options. The first section was the one that let's you customize your own character and who they are attracted to and I thought the game would spawn more people of your attracted type.
BUT i missed the ADDITIONAL section where you can choose exactly the gender of people who spawn for the most part (except for key NPCs, like the Quickieburger Manager who is always a cis male). So apparently I'm the only trans woman in the whole school. Irony. 2Real2Real
you should just be able to put in the term you want in game options without having to click enter or anything, and it'll be saved. just tested it out, and it works. if it isn't for you, it might be a bug?
it was, fortunately, my own mistake. I had to restart the game and do it again and it worked this time, thank you so much! I think I probably hit the restart button on accident 😭
I love this game. It is really good work. Do you have a crypto address for donations?
Could you add an avatar to the game? Something like it is in "Female Agent" or "Fake AI" games.
Ok, awesome update! but is there any indication on how to actually be "officially dating" with someone, or do I just wait?
Depends on who you're going for! Special characters have special conditions to get into relationships with them. I think there's currently a way to date the best friend, classroom harasser, and roommate/roommate's partner, but no one else.
If you're talking about a rando? Some of them just may not be into a serious relationship and prefer to be fuckbuddies, others prefer open or poly relationships, others still might want a Dom/Sub relationship. But in general just date them a bunch. Eventually you can approach them on the People menu and propose a change in relationship. Or they may bring it up themselves after a successful date. This can take a looong time, like a month or more of ingame time.
You can date classroom harasser???
Train up your Compliance/Submissiveness and keep showing up to hang out with the classroom harasser in the media lab and eventually you'll get a scene where they put a collar on you, and you'll be in a Dom/Sub relationship with them.
Ty, I was going for the cheerleader captain, and I already did all the conditions, only the officially dating part is left that's why I am asking. But I guess there's no update for that part yet (is there?) cause she's still dating the football star...
The Cheer Captain Milestone I've accomplished so far below:You can get NPCs to break up with their partner if you approach them through the People tab, but idk about special characters! I do know there's no special content for dating the Cheer Captain as of yet though.
Ty for the answers! I'm already dating the cheer captain atm on one of my saves!
The game is cool, but there are too few details such as in stores there is no division into male and female, or in principle there is little visual, that is, I would like to see exactly what you are buying and how it will look
Yippee! Dating is starting to come- (read November update v0.5.5) Been waiting for that update since last year, glad to be still here!
game is great, pregnancy would be great to add to the next update
thank you for this great game
thank you for all the updates! :)
Very great game. I really enjoy playing this 😎
idk how easy it would be to implement but I reckon it would be really cool to have cheat options like "All NPCs Max____" and "All NPCs Min____" for Friendship, Romance and Lust.
Hi, I’ve run into my first bug (I’m guessing it’s to do with the latest update).
when selecting Rub Out A Quick One in the prologue, I get the following error:
An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.
Error: <<script>>: bad evaluation: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'V.lastloctags.includes') v0.5.5c.
Stack Trace:
I don’t get that error is I say time for that later
The game is great it's honestly one of the best I've played in a long time.
I encountered a glitch in which NPCs have contradictory traits. For example, a character has both the passive and the forward traits.
Also, there are several lines where if you play as an afab nonbinary the game uses the term "girlcum" instead of just cum which would be better.
Maybe the ideal solution would be allowing the player to customize specific words like 'cum' and 'girlcum' but I understand if that's too complicated to implement.
the game is good but ı think you should use some picture maybe ai.
Absolutely not
Can we have the pregnancy update next? Also love the gamee!! ^__ ^
Also here's a suggestion maybe being able to buy a house or apartment and a little more choices in decorations like beds.... Also maybe add a dog to the pet list or a cat but you have to have a house or something like that . Also another restaurant would be nice ... And I know I'm Probably asking to much but maybe make a city we can travel to so we can like meet our parents and go to the mall or a amusement park with our boyfriend I don't know it just sounds fun.
Please don't hate me....
The real fantasy... owning property....
Same about the pregnancy. I hate this "update by patreon exclusive poll" thing. Its constantly asked for on here, but it wont ever actually be done because the patron people don't want it and apparently their opinion is the only one that matters
I wish there was an option for the roommate not to be a jerk, and the game allowed us to befriend them.
I mean, we share the same bedroom, so it would be more benefical and welcoming if you could befriend a nice guy/gal that shares the room with you rather than always have a hostility towards the asshole that shares the room with you.
Edit: pleonasm.
You have to start right at the beginning to be friendly and try to chat them up. Accept only answers where he/she is somewhat friendly. If the answer is negative, just go back (effectively undoing the action) and try again after you did something else. The probability is not that low to get a positive answer. If you consistently chat with them and abuse the back option so you build a positive rapport, once the conflict with her boyfriend/his girlfriend occurs it should be sufficient to stay in the positive zone. Be consistent and do the friendly chat all the time and slowly but surely your roommate won't hate you. That's at least how it works in my case.
cant wait for the next update
What is the next update?
should be around this time, they do an update a month, and they try to implement one thing from the roadmap every update.
Have you considered adding a Prom night event to the game? If not then PLEASE ADD IT
this is sooooo not happening but basic DOL style graphics would be awesome
I have no idea why you're being downvoted, it was just a suggestion, a good one at it. Seems like fans of this game has some kind of beef with DOL.
What is DOL?
Degrees of Lewdity a nearly identical game
DOL is not at all identical to CoT. The settings are completely different, DOL being in a whole town along with magic stuff and CoT is in a college campus that does have a small outer area accessible via bus and there's no magic
Mechanically nearly identical*
While I don't really care for the graphics of DOL I do like some mechanics in DOL that I wouldn't mind finding its way into CoT. The developers could stand to finesse some ideas from each other.
im so thankful for all the things you guys are giving us, really, but it would be incredible to add a option to be hermaphrodite and have the 2 genital organs! i want my boy with a kitty but with a massive coc* too!! <3
'They hated gardenboy because He told them the truth'
literally, why i am getting downvoted??😭😭
it was just a suggestion, people are getting pressed over this when they are the same that play games with futa girls and femboys?? leave my hermaphrodites ALONE! 😭
I think people are expecting a more 'realistic' experience with this game. I welcome the inclusion as a trans woman myself!
But also... The clinic is been standing there for a while and it's in dire need of content, just saying.....
Tbf the femboy thing is barebones. As a person who enjoys that content... Theres just nothing there. No one mentions it, its not a turn on/off for npcs, its... Nothing.
Hermaphrodites aren't really comparable to futanaris and femboys. Sure they are all often fetishized in creepy ways, but hermaphrodites are a myth, where futanaris are trans women and femboys are just feminine boys of any sex. Hermaphrodite is also often misused derogatively towards intersex people, who's genitals aren't comparable to that myth.
All of this to say, this is a realistic game, not really the place to play with mythological fetishes, which I think is why you got downvoted so much. Plus CoT handles transidentity and gender expression so well, and it feels misplaced to used them as a comparable argument in favor of a hermaphrodite fetish. Our identities are already fetishized enough, and often portrayed in a surnatural way (like AFAB futanaris who just suddenly grow a dick one day).
To each their own kink of course, you are allowed to have a thing for hermaphrodite characters. Just please stay mindful to separate fantasy and reality at the right times, especially when it comes to comparing gender identities to it.
Hope that helps, have a nice day !
oh ok, but please let me clear some things;
futanaris are NOT transgender woman, they are named futa for that reason, also when you search for it, it says futanari sometimes are girls with both the organs, so it is no different. otherwise it would be just trans girl right?
also i DON'T have a "hermaphrodite fetish" nor have a "thing" for this, i AM intersex (hermaphrodite is a really old term and often used for harmful puporses but i use) also it is pretty weird to say i have a "kink" for this?? lol
i maded the suggestion bc i wanted to immerse myself in the game??
also the game could be very realistic and STILL allow this option, it is not a alien concept (well for some it is).
you were very respectful to me so i hope i was not rude to you, it is not my intention, really! but if you think people are downvoting my comment for "realistic purposes" idk what to say to you, but it is really NOT for this, i joined their discord one time, and SOME people there were really bigots (not the devs!)
Sorry if any of my points are offending you, especially regarding kinks. It seemed like a very specific demand for a sex game full of kinks, and your comment felt like requesting yours. My apologies for assuming.
Also, I don't know you at all, I had no idea you were intersex and so does everyone else. I only ever heard intersex people being called hermaphrodite as an insult or a creepy fetish. You have the right to reappropriate an insult of your community, but if you don't give any context then people are gonna assume that you're just being disrespectful ! (Don't worry, you're not the first queer person to make that mistake).
As for futanaris, I didn't know that much about them, just read some blogs about people making connection with a fetish of trans women. But if it's as wild as you describe, then yeah it would feel weird in this game.
However, I overall do agree with you that an intersex option could be a great addition to the game ! It is a realistic request, you're right. Your initial comment just felt like you were requesting an exaggerated hermaphrodite character similar to the myth where the word comes from, and not an intersex character. Sorry for my side of the confusion on this !
Is it possible as a male character to be used by the football team after training? Not just the quarterback.
is there a list of all the inclinations anywhere? I’d love to see them all, maybe add a few to my character or npc’s
Sorry for asking, but what is the name of this game engine? i’ve seen a few like it and would like to know.
I think its called twine or something.
Great game, just wish there were more hairy/extremely hairy/furry guys. Maybe a slider when creating the world like with muscles and plumpness?
yess, and maybe they could add some musk references in the interactions
Yeah or at least an inclination for it
I noticed in the updates there are D/s style relationships. How do you unlock those interactions and events?
Find someone with the Dom, Sub, or Switch inclination. You can do this by using the Findr app, cheating to look at their inclinations, or going on dates/hangouts with them to learn more about them. You can also tell another way: Approach them to talk through the People tab. Choose the flirt option. If your Assertiveness/Dominance or Compliance/Submission is high enough (around 2 or 3) you should have the option to flirt dominantly with a submissive person, or flirt submissively with a dominant person.
Date the person a lot and act the role you want. For example if you want a Dom let them pay for dinner and movie dates, let them pick your food during dinner, let them touch you or speak up for you in the movies, let them lead during sex, send them pics when they ask, etc. If you want a sub you should be the one paying, speaking up for them, fondling them, moving them and being rough during sex, or sending pics.
Go on enough dates and act the role long enough and the person should eventually get a black bar under their Romance bar that is either Submission or Dominance. Keep dating and get that bar super high. Eventually you can approach them in the People tab and choose to change your relationship status with the person, and it should be an option to make them your sub or dom (although if they like you enough they may approach you first!)
Note that this process can take a while, it usually takes me a month or more of ingame time. Also note that a Dom/Sub relationship is considered a ROMANTIC relationship, so if you're in an exclusive romantic relationship with someone else (boyfriend/girlfriend or open partner) there won't be an option to have a Dom/Sub. You can have a Dom/Sub and any amount of poly partners, though.
If Dominance appears it means they are dominating you, while Submission would mean you're the dominant part in the relationship, right? I've seen the dominant bar appearing in bullies/rival relationships and it was a bit confusing
Right, they get the bar that shows their relationship to you. Bullies can get a dominance bar from bullying you. I think it contributes to the hatefuck relationship but I'm not entirely sure.
Thanks! Hatefuck sounds cool but I'm also trying to see if there's a way to bully back/turn tables. Maybe it's not implemented yet
Technically you CAN get the bully inclination, but I don't think there's a lot of use for it so far, sadly. You can get it by choosing to trip people when randomly prompted for it when leaving class, or you can cheat to get it.
So far the only really 'mean' actions I've noticed is joining in when a bully is messing with someone, throwing paper back at bullies, tripping people, or gossiping about your rival to other students when you sit to eat with them.
What a great game. I love it already. But there is probably still something essential missing.
So, I'm playing a (female) cheerleader. My boyfriend with whom I already had sex is a football player and was even mentioned as active during a game we lost. So why isn't he coming to ask me for a blowjob after the lost game but a random bloke I don't even know the name of? I think this is silly. The squad captain can fuck her boyfriend so why can't I?
Either he should automatically ask me for the "relief" the squad captain mentions or I should have the option to give it to him myself.
BTW, if it's relevant: My Disinhibition is apparently too low for me to have the option to remove my underwear. Still, he's my frustrated boyfriend after a lost game for god's sake! ;)
Ah, right. I found the NUM-keypad-STAR method and with this I can at least reroll the guy who will propose sex. In this way I can make sure that I don't cheat on my boyfriend. He acts a bit strange, as if he didn't recognize me, but well, better than nothing. Apparently the game assumes that all cheerleaders are sluts and put out for everyone even if their bf is standing two yards away. And that the football players are dumb and don't care who fucks their girlfriend more or less in front of them.
I consider this a work around and this definitely should be fixed. Nothing against the possibility to play a total slut. But this should be an option imho.
And since I'm already nagging, anarchothaumaturgist, please excuse me for this but this shows how much I like the game and how much I want it to improve. But I would like to address some other topics.
What I also find strange is that once you denied some part during the act, like vaginal penetration, you can never try to do this again during that encounter. So things like "please wait a bit and I would like a bit more foreplay before you stick your dick in me" or "don't go leaping straight for the clitoris like a bull at a gate" are effectively impossible atm. And we need guys who can do it more than once during an act after some extensive work from the female's side. It's not like this is impossible in reality. Perhaps that should be dependent on a combination of their stamina and some rng. But the guy should at some time at least tell me "no honey I'm really totally spent, don't suck on my limp dick forever, it starts to hurt". Which atm sadly never happens. Ah, BTW hurt. If you play a vanilla girl who doesn't really like to be slapped or have their hair pulled, you can only tell the guy once to be more gentle. If he doesn't react properly, or "forgets", the only possibility now is to completely abandon the sex act.
I also think, once we have pregnancy, we not only need things like condoms, but also very real working pills. Like you have to take them daily and when you don't: BAD LUCK!
And of course we need menstrual cycles for females. I understand that this would be probably more difficult to implement than the whole pregnancy thing. Because it would influence a lot of game mechanics. But playing a female without "my days" feels really strange and incomplete.
Will we eventually get a avatar viewer sprite
I hope not, i feel that should be modded in
Where to find the skintight pants for streaking. I've wasted my money on like 3 different types already
You don't streak with pants on, you streak completely naked and only after 10pm at night.
If you mean skintight pants for the Elkbook challenge then the pants should say "skintight" in the item description in the store. Some examples would be compression pants or yoga pants at the activewear store. And of course you have to also not be wearing any underwear.
I need help, my character seems to be stuck in the dorm because she lost her bra somehow and only has lvl 1 exhibitionism. Am I missing something pretty obvious or what should I do ?
just too low exhibitionism level.
Do you not have a bra elsewhere? Use a towel by stripping.
I just cheated my way out because it seemed impossible to leave the hall in anything (req. lvl 2 exhibitionism)
I find it quite disturbing that you can tattoo a portrait of a child on your crotch.