Do you think that the parents might eventually play a more active role? Like say I skip a lot of classes (oh, what about detention?) they could attempt to get in contact with the pc? I guess since the pc is an adult, they won't play a big role. But really? They sent their kid off to college and are now receiving money for whatever reason, so maybe they could check in a little? Like at the end of the semester or maybe when the pc sends them the money they could arrange a future call? Maybe ask a bit about where the money is coming from, because I know I'm not working at quickieburger.
Speaking of money, maybe things like loans, bank cards, wallets, and whatnot? Where are we even keeping our money when we're out in the middle of the night streaking? If I'm carrying that much money on me, I feel like I'd eventually get mugged. No? Mugging could be a thing (mainly cause I kind of want to mug the rich kid. For lack of anything interesting to do with them.)
Again, I'm asking for a lot. I don't expect any of it to be done, but I can put my thoughts here at least. Great game, either way.
I'd like to know the total amount of money due instead of just sending whatever the parent requests. I would like more parent content in general too. Honestly, it'd be nice to have an origin of 'rich kid' of not having any debt and going to the school on easy mode with an allowance from your parents purely based on how well you do in school and extra curricular activities. A flip on the money mechanics.
The official comment on the weekly payments - as written in the difficulty options settings - is: "The weekly debt payments are designed to keep some pressure on so you have to work a job or find money, which generally leads to interesting events." So while I find your suggestion very nice to have, I doubt this will be implemented very soon. If at all.
A lot of fun! Would love some more hypnosis events, like if you've progressed in them, people start using the hypnosis words maliciously.
I.E. Slippy being used to force you to flash in public areas, monty being used to steal clothes at the party, supernova being used by bullies to humiliate, etc.
One thing I would really like is an option to increase the chance of events happening/speed up event progression.
Also would like it if 'go to class' was made the top option for the art building when you have a class there. So often I have to go back because I'm spamming 1 and go to look at art instead of going to my class.
Been playing this the past few days and its quite intriguing, even in alpha it show a lot of promise! There are a lot of stuff it still needs but for something this early having as much as it does already is pretty sweet :D
I saw a post somewhere in the comments that mentioned working at the bar being in the next update and that would be great, being only able to work at the food hall on campus or Quickie, another food business, is a little lacklustre. I dunno if they have events as you go through as I've only gotten a raise once so far, but more variety would be nice.
A few suggestions that would be nice QoL improvements, whether they are seen or not I dunno I just would like to see them as most other games do:
- Working in shifts options, instead of having to do a single hour every time for work you can also set to work a certain amount of hours.
- FxF positions, such as scissoring, tribadism and such. There doesn't seem to be any at all beyond buying strap-ons and using them afaict.
- Random clothing sets for everyday wear. Currently the game only has randomisation for presets already set up but it would be nice to be able to select 'random' option or a specific style and the system auto-builds a set and equips it for you to speed things along.
- Filter options and categories for clothing. Having every piece of clothing in a section makes it quite messy, if you have a bunch of clothes it makes it a chore to go through it all. Having things searched with filters for tags like 'Jeans', 'Skirts' 'Blue' etc would be easier.
- Other options of travel, such as taking a taxi or learning to drive a motorbike/car would be nice alternatives to always taking the bus.
- Options to use Physicality, such as punching a bully/molester or other mean characters. Currently it doesn't seem to do much beyond making working out easier and passing collision/tripping checks.
- Character, item, clothing, hairstyles and Location portraits to illustrate things better. Mostly the character and Location images would do wonders, being able to actually see these things would help immensely though it would be hard to do characters as they are user defined and random. However allowing users to put custom portraits would be a good alternative.
- More masturbation options, such as grinding against things, DP with dildo (I don't know if it already does as when I try to it doesn't work), watching porn etc.
- The phone being in a separate window on the right side of the screen, so instead of it being an option on the left it is permanently accessible and open on the right. This would also help with the large amount of unused Screen Space and provide a quicker means of using the phone without a popup window. Especially as a lot of things seem to require its use.
- Phone customisations. Such as screen backgrounds, phone call chimes, covers etc. Seems minor but might be seen as a nice bit of extra customisation.
- Group Introductions. Having to speak to people one by one to learn their names is very tedious, having to earn enough friendship passively can also take a bit especially if the characters hate you for some reason. If you hang out with a group of people you should be able to introduce yourself and learn their names that way. Or if a group has people you already know except for one or two they introduce them.
Regardless I am looking forward to seeing where this goes and the future updates from the roadmap. Good luck with the game :D
I love this game, and I see a lot of potential. I’ve tried a lot of adult games on this site, but this one really hooked me with its sandbox gameplay. You need to manage your own things, not just the horny stuff that tries to get you wet every 10 minutes. Also, considering how small the size of this game is, I can easily have it on my phone.
I won’t comment much, but I see so much potential in this game. I’m not really sure what your roadmap is, but here’s what I think could be added:
**Quality of Life:**
- **New Skills?**
- **Artistic/Music:**
These could be the same thing, but it would make more sense if they were separate. Here’s why:
- You could add more classes.
- You could buy musical instruments, some that can be carried around or used at your “toy”, or the big one in your room for streaming.
- You could have a steam about music playing or singing.
- If you have small instruments in your inventory, you could play for tips at uni mall or at parties, which would increase your popularity.
- You could buy drawing equipment.
- You could actually draw and sell pictures online, both physical (which would sell for more, but you'd need to mail them yourself) and digital (which both could be SFW or NSFW). It might be hard to find customers at first, but after selling some art, you’d gain more credibility, making it easier to find clients.
**More About Other Skills:**
- You could buy a camera.
- You could take freelance jobs as a photographer, which might work like a hangout event.
- Similar to art, you’d need more credibility to get clients, but if you miss a job or cancel, you’d lose credibility.
- You might be able to find photographer jobs more easily on Thursdays through the college website, before party day, as some people may need a photographer.
- You could film your own adult clips for extra money.
- You could buy a mini garden and grow crops in your room, like a greenhouse. You could sell them for lunch money, or if you have a mini fridge, you could add them to your food stock to make salads or other meals.
**Hidden Identity?**
- You could wear masks or head coverings to hide your identity when streaming. However, this might prevent fan events from happening.
**Seasonal Outfits?**
- I’ve seen my character walking around in shorts during winter without any problem. You could add cold effects or make it so that walking outside in minimal clothing makes the character feel cold or uncomfortable.
**Adult stuff?**
**Night Clubs:**
- You can work there as a waiter or in "service jobs" that require dancing skills.
**Adult Playground:**
- I'm not great at naming things, but this place can be unlocked by purchasing a lot from the toy shop or through random events in "service jobs."
- It's a place where you need to pay a fee to enter. You can "play" with anyone in there, either "raw" or with toys, without shame. The people there are horny af or even hornier then you.
- You can choose to become a bully and mug people for their lunch money. You can also counter mug bully who often mugs you. Doesn’t it feel good to dominate someone who thinks they have power?
**Good Girl/Boy:**
- If you have a high GPA, you might get bullied more (if you never fight back). You can choose to submit and be a good girl/boy or fight back and become a bully yourself.
- Bully interactions always result in negative friendship, but your reputation might improve if those are seen as you bullying another bully.
Like I said, I see a lot of potential in this game. Sorry if you find a lot of strange wording; this is my second language. I just can't help myself from wanting to help you. It doesn't matter if those additions are made or not—this game is good either way.
Anthaum is not really active very much here on itch.
The best way to suggest changes/improvements/features is to become a Patron (the lowest tier is just 2$) and post them in the appropriate Discord channel.
add tribidism position. add a lingerie store. add the slut style under preferences for npcs under customization and starting look.
make it so u can tell ur partners to send you pictures.
make it so u can check on your subs to see if they are following the rules.
in the description for people make it say if they are trans or not and if they are going commando.
make the difficulty slider for need decay able to go to 0. why do sub and poly hangouts always end with sex? for a date it would make sense but not just a casual hangout. speaking of which they dont work right, all the partakes are constantly switching postions even though 9 people cant do it at once, they cant interact with each other. add threesome postions.
add a petplay inclination. add petplay like being taken for walks when its late at night. add animal tail buttplugs(Completed), pet collars.
when someone tries to be your dominant if you accept they give you a collar with ur name on it if u say yes, however if u ask to be some1s sub u dont receive one. if they ask to be ur sub or u ask them they dont get a collar with thei name on it. for the rules your dom can make u always wear a collar but u cant do that to your sub.
for me i have never had a dom give me a second rule. either make it so u can give your sub clothes that they have to wear or make a dropdown menu with all clothes according to type or multiple according to wear it is worn on the body.
add inclinations that better relate to dom/sub relationships.
all the submissive inclinations make it so that when ur first starting a sex scene it will say u will have to take the lead to get this anywhere but when it starts they might actively try to change position wont let u do cocktease ass or pussy if they are already doing that with the other until u ask and if u do they might try and change position, so basically they arent really that submissive they just arent dominant.
dont know what u meant about removed round limit in encounters but if it means what i think it means u didnt do anythign about it. after a certain amount of time sexual encounters just end automatically. and after both sides have came it ends.
add full nelson position.
carry fuck positions facing you with legs wrapped around you and facing away from you.
add wrapping legs around to missionary.
add actual bdsm gear the harnesses dont do anything at all.
TLDR; Popularity and exposing the breast area is the key. As far as I understand, the costume is completely irrelevant. Other that you have to wear one.
So, I was a very bad girl and have looked into the code and - as far as I understand -
==== SPOILERS ====
It depends on two factors. Your (or the other contestants') popularity and if you riled up the audience.
Enticing the audience means you have to expose your breast area. If you are female, this gives you 400 temp bonus points (_maxresponse). In case of a male it further depends on your build and can be 400 temp bonus points if your muscle >= 500 and your plumpness < 500 or else it's 200. Than the final bonus is randomly calculated between 400 (200) and 200 (100). So between the previously set temp bonus points and half of it. This is the formula:
set $costumepopbonus to setup.rir(_maxresponse / 2, _maxresponse)
Your popularity is the value of your reputation["popularity"]["student"]. You can examine this at runtime in the javascript console like this:
The other candidates are measured by their popularity and it's a pretty complicated formula which can yield a value between -1000 and 1000. The factors considered are wealth, charisma and inclinations. Look for the function
in the code for more details on this.
Then all contestants, including you, are put into an array which is sorted by the calculated values. That's how the winner and the other placements are determined.
The array used for the placement is _sorted and is a temp variable during the calculation event so just before the third place is announced.
This is the result of my analysis of the current (0.5.5f) code. I might as well have overlooked something and then my response could be completely wrong. I would have to test it but at the moment I have no char during the event.
Hmm. That's strange. I tested the game with three different browsers (Edge, Firefox and Chrome) and everything works fine.
What does it say if you right-click on the missing picture and choose "Open Image in New Tab" (Firefox) or something similar? In the new tab you should see in the address field where the browser is trying to open the picture from.
I noticed that games of the kind(not just this one) stays like this when I use the html from cellphone or tablet but the images shows-up when I try on the computer
You can only hook up with him at the moment. He's a special NPC so he's locked in a relationship with the cheerleader captain. Maybe in future updates, partnered special NPCs could be broken up too just like with partnered regular NPCs
ohhh, okis, thanks! so you cant romance the special NPC or only those of them with a relationship with others? Like, you can romance for example the best friend but you can with the roommate/roommate boyfriend?
It basically depends on their part in the story. Romance isn't possible (yet) with the quarterback, but you can have a D/s relationship with the RM/RMP since it's in their storyline. Some special NPCs (the rich kid, QuickieBurger owner, etc.), even if they're single, also aren't romanceable to male protagonists because they're straight.
There are a few threesome scenes if you have the slut inclination, are part of the swim team, or if you are polyamorous and have at least 2 partners.
For the slut inclination: You may get an event where someone stops you in the hall of your dorm and asks you to have sex with their friend who is still a virgin. Then they and their friend double team you.
For the swim team: Don't wanna spoil it but keep attending practices and meets until the dress code for practices changes. Then practice will occasionally give you the opportunity to have a threesome with your teammates.
For the polyamorous inclination: Get 2 people to be your poly partners and schedule a group hangout with them. If they both show up it ends in a threesome.
Could be a whole lot longer unfortunately! It took me most of the school year to trigger it. Swim team is especially tricky because you only have biweekly competitions, and I'm pretty sure progressing that storyline is locked behind doing well in competitions.
You'll know you're on the right track when coach starts offering you one on one training, then demands you do something sketchy during one on one training. Gaining relationship with The Quietly Determined Athlete may speed things along but I'm not 100% sure about that.
The game is good, but it is significantly better when played as a female character.
More thought and care went into the events for female characters, many events can only be experienced by female characters (milkshake, quickieburger mateo events), it generally reads less awkward... When playing as a male character, you can really see the areas that were poorly adapted for them. Which is unfortunate, I prefer playing as a (cis) male character in these types of games. But after trying out female (both cis and trans), you just get more and you can see that many scenes were written with them in mind. I would strongly recommend to anyone that doesn't have a strong preference for gender to go female.
I think - besides what MarloweC said, which I didn't know - the game is far from being finished and there is a lot of potential. It will surely be improved as time goes by.
Considering what MarloweC said, if you play cis male (and so I assume you have a lot of ideas for cis males) how about writing some events or event ideas and submitting them to anarchothaumaturgist? I think if they are good, anarchothaumaturgist might include them sooner or later. I think all the players would benefit from this.
Well, I can imagine it's a little difficult to have everything perfectly tuned to a trans person- assuming the developer isn't trans and doesn't fully understand a trans person's experiences. It's still in development, so lets give the developer some grace.
So I became friends with a lesbian as a straight guy (I was hitting on her before I found out lol) and we hang out from time to time, but during one of these hang out-sessions (I forgot which type) she gained some lust after an interaction. Is this intended? Can characters actually further experiment with their sexuality?
My straight girl character has been approached by other straight girls before, and I've also gotten other straight girls I'm friends with to accept my character's advances. So yeah, I'm pretty sure sexuality is a little malleable and fluid in game just like it is in real life. Especially if you're close with the character in question and one or both of you is drunk!
I'm not sure it's "fluid and malleable" as it is IRL so much as mostly unimplemented. As far as I'm aware, it doesn't actually mechanically influence anything besides the genders of professors and some storyline NPCs and one specific scene during adult streaming. Maybe it affects NPC interest? If so, it's a numeric multiplier and not a gate.
It's the first time I unlocked selling panties to perverts. So what's the easiest way to get them stained? My panties are all clean despite having them on for like forever. I even tried to masturbate with my panties on. Despite "juices flowing" the panties stay clean.
Best way to do it as far as I'm aware is to get the arousal bar up really high without any sex or masturbation, though do remember that you get diminishing returns for it
I'm not sure though what really caused it. I did try to stay aroused a lot (two weeks or so?) but in the end directly before I discovered that the panties were stained some guy fingered me to orgasm on the bus. So yeah, not really sure.
But I also bought cum-stained panties I found in the thrift shop in town and that worked as well. My fans are perverts :)
easiest way is to use a remote control egg vibrator at all times, go on elkbook and send the link to everyone to control it or send it to people on your contacts or do both
There is some kind of event or something to lvl up the romance when it goes to certain %? I talk everyday with Roy, text him, invite him to go everywhere, flirt with him, say romantic things to him and yet his bar does not go up the 10% : (((( I am doing something wrong?
Filling up the Romance bar is locked behind milestones (First Kiss, First Date, Had Sex, etc). Idk who Roy is, but if he's a rando you should be able to date him with enough friendship and lust. If he's a special character or a teacher there may be certain steps to unlocking the ability to take him on dates.
don't know if anyone else is having the same problem as me but for some reason, i can't save. i click it, it shows the grey box with white text save with the little x button but nothing else. no drop box, no auto save and save slots, nothing. after i exit out of it, i get a message saying it read an error about children or something. please check coding. i don't want to play and set up my world only for not being able to load or save. please fix soon. i like this game and hoping for a time for futa women with both pussy and dick as well as furries....i have my own fetishes. sorry for making this weird
Update: just tried download it and play it thinking it's the browsing engine. nope, it's even worst. the images don't come through, and i still can't save. please anarchothaumaturgist, HELP!!!
hopefully last update: it was my computers fault. had to restart it. did it on a larp to just see if that was the was. sorry
Bah, everybody has their own kinks! That's the beauty of college, it offers something for everybody. Not sure why it's not saving for you, That's really unfortunate. This game is amazing so i hope it can get figured out quickly.
Don't know about Futa, but I know you have the option of wearing a strap-on. Not the same, I know, but 🤷🏻♂️
If futas and furries are your thing I have some recommendations: Corruption of Champions 2, Trials In Tainted Space, Lillith's Throne, Flexible Survival, and Degrees of Lewdity!
this game is super cool! I have a question tho, there is any stat I need to lvl up to resist other orders in the bed? Or to make others to change position?
You should always have the option to change position during sex. If you mean you try and the person resists you moving them you may want to check the person's inclinations. Are they forceful? If so they're always going to try and force their will on you during sex. You should get a warning about that during foreplay, it'll say something like "If this continues you may not be in control".
Even with a forceful person you can still have some say in what happens during sex though. If your charisma is high enough you can ask them to do the action you want. Or if your physical is high enough you can move them and overpower them if they try to resist.
idk if this is a glitch or just me being stupid, but for some reason when I enter a sex scene I am unable to do any sort of penetrative sex. I can do oral and hand stuff just fine, but the option for anal and vaginal isn't there at all, just teasing. Is there a knowledge requirement that I may not be meeting or something?
usually its progressive, like for example first you <tease pussy with penis> then after that the option to <enter pussy> will show up, as long as your partner hasn't done anything to cancel that out. hope that helps
This is due to your PC's reservations. It's not very well explained, but by default you're very reluctant to go all the way to the home run unless your Disinhibition is at least lv3.
Yup, unless the other partner is more experienced and takes it that next step. It has happened to me. Played a sweet but nerdy guy. Got invited to hang out, things heated up, she moved me into the seated position with her perched.
That boy lost his virginity that night and she forced him to cum inside 🤣 Lucky, lucky boy lmao
Hey there, awesome game. But i think i need a bit of help: i can't find the TableTop Games event even if my life depended on it. I've got the invite, it says it's on the quad, before and after classes in the HINTS, but i just can't find it.
Dis other guy said it! Anytime in the morning before 9am on weekdays and sometimes after class but not always. Go to the other dorms and it should pop with "🎲 Join" or something like that.
Through persistent chatting I managed to bring the friendship of my room mate to 100% around Festember 12th. So I get the message "She seems to enjoy your company and could be a friend." when I talk to her.
She still doesn't want to hang out ("Hang out... with you? Yeah, no.") and for that matter also doesn't want to go on a date ("Oh, uh... no, I'm gonna be busy, sorry.")
So I think it's probably not intended to be on 100% friendship with her. Or even slightly friendly. Or anarchothaumaturgist never thought someone would be so persistent to try.
I think either this friendship spree should be made impossible or after achieving this feat her attitude should change.
It's because it's a major storyline character. The only way to enter a relationship with the roommate is with the roommate's partner quest series.
It will be a D/s relationship. Currently, all D/s relationships are treated as romance and will make the person more friendly toward you. I could be wrong, but I think this is a stopgap measure because the framework for D/s relationships isn't complete yet, so it was made a subtype of romance.
can someone tell me how I get access to the library cellar? I have compliance 3, a misstress and done the extra credit "clean the equibment" several times
Quick question, would being able to ask for pics ourselves eventually be a thing? For example, asking the classroom harasser, roommates boyfriend, or maybe an npc that you don't have a good or great or very intimate relationship with could result in different types of no's or insults. And maybe asking, lets say, the classroom admirer who is generally shy at the start for pics could result in like a whole bargaining thing where you have to negotiate for the type of pic or depending on your relationship they could say no. And of course, assuming you aren't using cheats, this could have an affect on your next interaction or your relationship. Maybe that could be a thing too, like sending a pic to someone and then the next time you interact with them they reference the pic. The harasser at the start could actually use this as blackmail, then again he has quite a bit of blackmail already so there's that. And I'd assume that if we actually manage to get the roommates boyfriend to send a pic he'd want something in return, so maybe like a bonus event to improve your relationship with him at the cost of having a way worse relationship with the roommate? Or maybe the same thing but with the football captain and his girlfriend? Or both (cause if you ask me, the roommate and cheer captain should definitely have it out for the pc).
Look I'm not expecting any of this to be considered, I like the game as is! The developers already have a ton to consider without my extra input. This is just me spilling my thoughts, but if people actually agree then that's cool. So yeah, love the game, can't wait for the next update and keep up the good work!
Regarding makeup, I think there should be some slight adjustments.
Makeup should be removed automatically after such activities as swimming and showering
Like putting on makeup, we probably should have the activity of removing makeup. If one forgets to remove makeup before sleeping, there should be some kind of penalty. Lower regeneration of Relaxation perhaps?
Putting on and removing makeup on the other hand should be possible at each location where there is a mirror, so for example each restroom. Or if you have your purse/bag with you, it really should be possible to adjust your makeup everywhere.
And of course I think wearing makeup has no effect whatsoever at this stage. So we should have some effect like temporary boosted charisma or something like this.
I downloaded the game on my laptop for over a year but never managed to figure out the save to file function. Can't switch devices and very disappointed :((( it will give me a file in"save" format but when I load it using the game in a different browser or android version, it never loads. And the copy to clipboard function isn't useful when there's nowhere to load text.
I've had success from "save to file" via desktop/browser, and "load to file" to an android tablet/phone. You just need to copy the save file generated for "save to file" from desktop/browser to your android phone, and load it via either the browser or the apk using "load to file" and pointing it at the correct directory. The game between devices should be the same version tho.
I'd like to know. Will there be a map expansion at some point? Like anothe town or will the current in game town have a ferry to another location? Seeing as there is a small dock
it would be nice to have top/bottom/verse inclinations separate to dominant/submissive/switch. maybe a "soft dom" one as well, since the the typical dominant NPCs are pretty forceful and don't care about the PC's pleasure or what they want at all most of the time.
I agree! Maybe extra inclinations like "Gentle" or "Rough" that are typically paired with "Dom", "sub", and "switch". This would allow for moments of dominating but being endearing at the same time, they refuse to change positions and will make you change positions but say nicer things. Or a sub/bottom, as you said, that is asking to be treated roughly. Which brings me to another possible recommendation...
Talking to your partner during sex. Giving you the option to say things to them depending on context. Things like "Praise Them", "Insult Them", and "Talk Dirty".
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Do you think that the parents might eventually play a more active role? Like say I skip a lot of classes (oh, what about detention?) they could attempt to get in contact with the pc? I guess since the pc is an adult, they won't play a big role. But really? They sent their kid off to college and are now receiving money for whatever reason, so maybe they could check in a little? Like at the end of the semester or maybe when the pc sends them the money they could arrange a future call? Maybe ask a bit about where the money is coming from, because I know I'm not working at quickieburger.
Speaking of money, maybe things like loans, bank cards, wallets, and whatnot? Where are we even keeping our money when we're out in the middle of the night streaking? If I'm carrying that much money on me, I feel like I'd eventually get mugged. No? Mugging could be a thing (mainly cause I kind of want to mug the rich kid. For lack of anything interesting to do with them.)
Again, I'm asking for a lot. I don't expect any of it to be done, but I can put my thoughts here at least. Great game, either way.
I'd like to know the total amount of money due instead of just sending whatever the parent requests. I would like more parent content in general too. Honestly, it'd be nice to have an origin of 'rich kid' of not having any debt and going to the school on easy mode with an allowance from your parents purely based on how well you do in school and extra curricular activities. A flip on the money mechanics.
The official comment on the weekly payments - as written in the difficulty options settings - is:
"The weekly debt payments are designed to keep some pressure on so you have to work a job or find money, which generally leads to interesting events."
So while I find your suggestion very nice to have, I doubt this will be implemented very soon. If at all.
Do you plan on adding more body types?
What body types aren't in the game?
I mean. Isn't curvy kinda implied when you have big boobs, big butt, and a larger frame? You can already adjust all those values individually.
A lot of fun! Would love some more hypnosis events, like if you've progressed in them, people start using the hypnosis words maliciously.
I.E. Slippy being used to force you to flash in public areas, monty being used to steal clothes at the party, supernova being used by bullies to humiliate, etc.
One thing I would really like is an option to increase the chance of events happening/speed up event progression.
Also would like it if 'go to class' was made the top option for the art building when you have a class there. So often I have to go back because I'm spamming 1 and go to look at art instead of going to my class.
Been playing this the past few days and its quite intriguing, even in alpha it show a lot of promise! There are a lot of stuff it still needs but for something this early having as much as it does already is pretty sweet :D
I saw a post somewhere in the comments that mentioned working at the bar being in the next update and that would be great, being only able to work at the food hall on campus or Quickie, another food business, is a little lacklustre. I dunno if they have events as you go through as I've only gotten a raise once so far, but more variety would be nice.
A few suggestions that would be nice QoL improvements, whether they are seen or not I dunno I just would like to see them as most other games do:
- Working in shifts options, instead of having to do a single hour every time for work you can also set to work a certain amount of hours.
- FxF positions, such as scissoring, tribadism and such. There doesn't seem to be any at all beyond buying strap-ons and using them afaict.
- Random clothing sets for everyday wear. Currently the game only has randomisation for presets already set up but it would be nice to be able to select 'random' option or a specific style and the system auto-builds a set and equips it for you to speed things along.
- Filter options and categories for clothing. Having every piece of clothing in a section makes it quite messy, if you have a bunch of clothes it makes it a chore to go through it all. Having things searched with filters for tags like 'Jeans', 'Skirts' 'Blue' etc would be easier.
- Other options of travel, such as taking a taxi or learning to drive a motorbike/car would be nice alternatives to always taking the bus.
- Options to use Physicality, such as punching a bully/molester or other mean characters. Currently it doesn't seem to do much beyond making working out easier and passing collision/tripping checks.
- Character, item, clothing, hairstyles and Location portraits to illustrate things better. Mostly the character and Location images would do wonders, being able to actually see these things would help immensely though it would be hard to do characters as they are user defined and random. However allowing users to put custom portraits would be a good alternative.
- More masturbation options, such as grinding against things, DP with dildo (I don't know if it already does as when I try to it doesn't work), watching porn etc.
- The phone being in a separate window on the right side of the screen, so instead of it being an option on the left it is permanently accessible and open on the right. This would also help with the large amount of unused Screen Space and provide a quicker means of using the phone without a popup window. Especially as a lot of things seem to require its use.
- Phone customisations. Such as screen backgrounds, phone call chimes, covers etc. Seems minor but might be seen as a nice bit of extra customisation.
- Group Introductions. Having to speak to people one by one to learn their names is very tedious, having to earn enough friendship passively can also take a bit especially if the characters hate you for some reason. If you hang out with a group of people you should be able to introduce yourself and learn their names that way. Or if a group has people you already know except for one or two they introduce them.
Regardless I am looking forward to seeing where this goes and the future updates from the roadmap. Good luck with the game :D
I would LOVE to see crossdressing interactions. Maybe something like Degrees of Lewdity has!
I mean there is something for a specific event involving a male player wearing a full bikini in the swimming pool when hanging out with a character
I love this game, and I see a lot of potential. I’ve tried a lot of adult games on this site, but this one really hooked me with its sandbox gameplay. You need to manage your own things, not just the horny stuff that tries to get you wet every 10 minutes. Also, considering how small the size of this game is, I can easily have it on my phone.
I won’t comment much, but I see so much potential in this game. I’m not really sure what your roadmap is, but here’s what I think could be added:
**Quality of Life:**
- **New Skills?**
- **Artistic/Music:**
These could be the same thing, but it would make more sense if they were separate. Here’s why:
- You could add more classes.
- You could buy musical instruments, some that can be carried around or used at your “toy”, or the big one in your room for streaming.
- You could have a steam about music playing or singing.
- If you have small instruments in your inventory, you could play for tips at uni mall or at parties, which would increase your popularity.
- You could buy drawing equipment.
- You could actually draw and sell pictures online, both physical (which would sell for more, but you'd need to mail them yourself) and digital (which both could be SFW or NSFW). It might be hard to find customers at first, but after selling some art, you’d gain more credibility, making it easier to find clients.
**More About Other Skills:**
- You could buy a camera.
- You could take freelance jobs as a photographer, which might work like a hangout event.
- Similar to art, you’d need more credibility to get clients, but if you miss a job or cancel, you’d lose credibility.
- You might be able to find photographer jobs more easily on Thursdays through the college website, before party day, as some people may need a photographer.
- You could film your own adult clips for extra money.
- You could buy a mini garden and grow crops in your room, like a greenhouse. You could sell them for lunch money, or if you have a mini fridge, you could add them to your food stock to make salads or other meals.
**Hidden Identity?**
- You could wear masks or head coverings to hide your identity when streaming. However, this might prevent fan events from happening.
**Seasonal Outfits?**
- I’ve seen my character walking around in shorts during winter without any problem. You could add cold effects or make it so that walking outside in minimal clothing makes the character feel cold or uncomfortable.
**Adult stuff?**
**Night Clubs:**
- You can work there as a waiter or in "service jobs" that require dancing skills.
**Adult Playground:**
- I'm not great at naming things, but this place can be unlocked by purchasing a lot from the toy shop or through random events in "service jobs."
- It's a place where you need to pay a fee to enter. You can "play" with anyone in there, either "raw" or with toys, without shame. The people there are horny af or even hornier then you.
- You can choose to become a bully and mug people for their lunch money. You can also counter mug bully who often mugs you. Doesn’t it feel good to dominate someone who thinks they have power?
**Good Girl/Boy:**
- If you have a high GPA, you might get bullied more (if you never fight back). You can choose to submit and be a good girl/boy or fight back and become a bully yourself.
- Bully interactions always result in negative friendship, but your reputation might improve if those are seen as you bullying another bully.
Like I said, I see a lot of potential in this game. Sorry if you find a lot of strange wording; this is my second language. I just can't help myself from wanting to help you. It doesn't matter if those additions are made or not—this game is good either way.
CoT Roadmap, which is one of the links at the top, btw.
And, generally, CoT Wiki
Anthaum is not really active very much here on itch.
The best way to suggest changes/improvements/features is to become a Patron (the lowest tier is just 2$) and post them in the appropriate Discord channel.
add tribidism position. add a lingerie store. add the slut style under preferences for npcs under customization and starting look.
make it so u can tell ur partners to send you pictures.
make it so u can check on your subs to see if they are following the rules.
in the description for people make it say if they are trans or not and if they are going commando.
make the difficulty slider for need decay able to go to 0. why do sub and poly hangouts always end with sex? for a date it would make sense but not just a casual hangout. speaking of which they dont work right, all the partakes are constantly switching postions even though 9 people cant do it at once, they cant interact with each other. add threesome postions.
add a petplay inclination. add petplay like being taken for walks when its late at night. add animal tail buttplugs(Completed), pet collars.
when someone tries to be your dominant if you accept they give you a collar with ur name on it if u say yes, however if u ask to be some1s sub u dont receive one. if they ask to be ur sub or u ask them they dont get a collar with thei name on it. for the rules your dom can make u always wear a collar but u cant do that to your sub.
for me i have never had a dom give me a second rule. either make it so u can give your sub clothes that they have to wear or make a dropdown menu with all clothes according to type or multiple according to wear it is worn on the body.
add inclinations that better relate to dom/sub relationships.
all the submissive inclinations make it so that when ur first starting a sex scene it will say u will have to take the lead to get this anywhere but when it starts they might actively try to change position wont let u do cocktease ass or pussy if they are already doing that with the other until u ask and if u do they might try and change position, so basically they arent really that submissive they just arent dominant.
dont know what u meant about removed round limit in encounters but if it means what i think it means u didnt do anythign about it. after a certain amount of time sexual encounters just end automatically. and after both sides have came it ends.
add full nelson position.
carry fuck positions facing you with legs wrapped around you and facing away from you.
add wrapping legs around to missionary.
add actual bdsm gear the harnesses dont do anything at all.
nice game tbh
And it has so much potential for further development.
I'm so, so happy that the dev is actively developing it and even tries as best as is possible to consider the players' inputs.
Thanks a lot, anarchothaumaturgist.
help! I really want to know how to win the costume contest
TLDR; Popularity and exposing the breast area is the key. As far as I understand, the costume is completely irrelevant. Other that you have to wear one.
So, I was a very bad girl and have looked into the code and - as far as I understand -
==== SPOILERS ====
It depends on two factors. Your (or the other contestants') popularity and if you riled up the audience.
Enticing the audience means you have to expose your breast area. If you are female, this gives you 400 temp bonus points (_maxresponse). In case of a male it further depends on your build and can be 400 temp bonus points if your muscle >= 500 and your plumpness < 500 or else it's 200. Than the final bonus is randomly calculated between 400 (200) and 200 (100). So between the previously set temp bonus points and half of it. This is the formula:
Your popularity is the value of your reputation["popularity"]["student"]. You can examine this at runtime in the javascript console like this:
The other candidates are measured by their popularity and it's a pretty complicated formula which can yield a value between -1000 and 1000. The factors considered are wealth, charisma and inclinations. Look for the function
in the code for more details on this.
Then all contestants, including you, are put into an array which is sorted by the calculated values. That's how the winner and the other placements are determined.
The array used for the placement is _sorted and is a temp variable during the calculation event so just before the third place is announced.
This is the result of my analysis of the current (0.5.5f) code. I might as well have overlooked something and then my response could be completely wrong. I would have to test it but at the moment I have no char during the event.
hey i see this instead of pictures.. is it supposed to be like this? (love the game)
No, of course not. Do you play the game from your disk?
If yes, besides the file
there should also be a directory called
with all the image assets inside.
If not, something went wrong during unzipping.
yea its from the download and i have the image directory so idk what's wrong
Hmm. That's strange. I tested the game with three different browsers (Edge, Firefox and Chrome) and everything works fine.
What does it say if you right-click on the missing picture and choose "Open Image in New Tab" (Firefox) or something similar? In the new tab you should see in the address field where the browser is trying to open the picture from.
I noticed that games of the kind(not just this one) stays like this when I use the html from cellphone or tablet but the images shows-up when I try on the computer
going on when past updates we should be getting a new update in the next week or so.
yep, anthaum posted early access on the first, and it’s typically public a week later
Can you date (romance) Jameson as a male protagonist?
names aren’t the same if you changed the seed, do you mean the best friend?
ohh, i was referring the star quarterback, the captain of the football team?
You can only hook up with him at the moment. He's a special NPC so he's locked in a relationship with the cheerleader captain. Maybe in future updates, partnered special NPCs could be broken up too just like with partnered regular NPCs
ohhh, okis, thanks! so you cant romance the special NPC or only those of them with a relationship with others? Like, you can romance for example the best friend but you can with the roommate/roommate boyfriend?
It basically depends on their part in the story. Romance isn't possible (yet) with the quarterback, but you can have a D/s relationship with the RM/RMP since it's in their storyline. Some special NPCs (the rich kid, QuickieBurger owner, etc.), even if they're single, also aren't romanceable to male protagonists because they're straight.
A threesome sex option is required
there are threesome scenes, but i think it only shows if you’re promiscuous/the school slut
There are a few threesome scenes if you have the slut inclination, are part of the swim team, or if you are polyamorous and have at least 2 partners.
For the slut inclination: You may get an event where someone stops you in the hall of your dorm and asks you to have sex with their friend who is still a virgin. Then they and their friend double team you.
For the swim team: Don't wanna spoil it but keep attending practices and meets until the dress code for practices changes. Then practice will occasionally give you the opportunity to have a threesome with your teammates.
For the polyamorous inclination: Get 2 people to be your poly partners and schedule a group hangout with them. If they both show up it ends in a threesome.
I’ve been on the swim team for more than half a month in game, how much longer do i need to wait?
Could be a whole lot longer unfortunately! It took me most of the school year to trigger it. Swim team is especially tricky because you only have biweekly competitions, and I'm pretty sure progressing that storyline is locked behind doing well in competitions.
You'll know you're on the right track when coach starts offering you one on one training, then demands you do something sketchy during one on one training. Gaining relationship with The Quietly Determined Athlete may speed things along but I'm not 100% sure about that.
Oh, that’s quite daunting. Thanks for the response anyways.
Also being the cheerleader you can sometimes have to please two football players. No slut inclination necessary I think.
The game is good, but it is significantly better when played as a female character.
More thought and care went into the events for female characters, many events can only be experienced by female characters (milkshake, quickieburger mateo events), it generally reads less awkward... When playing as a male character, you can really see the areas that were poorly adapted for them. Which is unfortunate, I prefer playing as a (cis) male character in these types of games. But after trying out female (both cis and trans), you just get more and you can see that many scenes were written with them in mind. I would strongly recommend to anyone that doesn't have a strong preference for gender to go female.
The author is female, so I think this is because she put in a bunch of events based on her own experiences.
I think - besides what MarloweC said, which I didn't know - the game is far from being finished and there is a lot of potential. It will surely be improved as time goes by.
Considering what MarloweC said, if you play cis male (and so I assume you have a lot of ideas for cis males) how about writing some events or event ideas and submitting them to anarchothaumaturgist? I think if they are good, anarchothaumaturgist might include them sooner or later. I think all the players would benefit from this.
You mean like hermaphrodite?
Yeah those ultimately mean the same thing, but I guess the futa is specifically a female hermaphrodite
The word is intersex.
i want both a dick and pussy for reasons
Wait, this man might into something
Based, even though that there's trans, it's just not good enough
Well, I can imagine it's a little difficult to have everything perfectly tuned to a trans person- assuming the developer isn't trans and doesn't fully understand a trans person's experiences. It's still in development, so lets give the developer some grace.
Its literally the edact same thing bro
pretty sure anthaum said they weren’t going to add futas/hermaphrodites
Thank god bro bc intersex people really hate those tropes and i think that they deserve at lwast ONE game tbat doesnt do that.
That already is in the game. Its called being a trans woman.
love this game!!
how do i get romance with the classroom harraser ? i've been visiting him for months
a fellow bully lover i see
lol, can you blame me.It's like enemies to lovers
aww, oh well. i'll stick to the best friend then.
So I became friends with a lesbian as a straight guy (I was hitting on her before I found out lol) and we hang out from time to time, but during one of these hang out-sessions (I forgot which type) she gained some lust after an interaction. Is this intended? Can characters actually further experiment with their sexuality?
My straight girl character has been approached by other straight girls before, and I've also gotten other straight girls I'm friends with to accept my character's advances. So yeah, I'm pretty sure sexuality is a little malleable and fluid in game just like it is in real life. Especially if you're close with the character in question and one or both of you is drunk!
I'm not sure it's "fluid and malleable" as it is IRL so much as mostly unimplemented. As far as I'm aware, it doesn't actually mechanically influence anything besides the genders of professors and some storyline NPCs and one specific scene during adult streaming. Maybe it affects NPC interest? If so, it's a numeric multiplier and not a gate.
It's the first time I unlocked selling panties to perverts. So what's the easiest way to get them stained? My panties are all clean despite having them on for like forever. I even tried to masturbate with my panties on. Despite "juices flowing" the panties stay clean.
Best way to do it as far as I'm aware is to get the arousal bar up really high without any sex or masturbation, though do remember that you get diminishing returns for it
And then the panties will get stained after a while? Thanks, I will try it.
Mmmm.... It worked.
[7] Sell arousal-stained pink dragon-scale print thong (Stained)
I'm not sure though what really caused it. I did try to stay aroused a lot (two weeks or so?) but in the end directly before I discovered that the panties were stained some guy fingered me to orgasm on the bus. So yeah, not really sure.
But I also bought cum-stained panties I found in the thrift shop in town and that worked as well. My fans are perverts :)
It happened again on the bus so I think cumming while wearing the panties is the way to go, not just wearing them while aroused.
easiest way is to use a remote control egg vibrator at all times, go on elkbook and send the link to everyone to control it or send it to people on your contacts or do both
Ah, I have one of those. I will try later.
Can't get from downtown back to the college not travel option exists to return to campus
You must get to riverside plaza, then bus to campus... i wish theyd add condoms.
I gave up on it anyway.
No! Why?!? This is such a fun game :'(
There is some kind of event or something to lvl up the romance when it goes to certain %? I talk everyday with Roy, text him, invite him to go everywhere, flirt with him, say romantic things to him and yet his bar does not go up the 10% : (((( I am doing something wrong?
Filling up the Romance bar is locked behind milestones (First Kiss, First Date, Had Sex, etc). Idk who Roy is, but if he's a rando you should be able to date him with enough friendship and lust. If he's a special character or a teacher there may be certain steps to unlocking the ability to take him on dates.
Romance milestones are a toggleable option. It's under Dating Sim Mechanics.
don't know if anyone else is having the same problem as me but for some reason, i can't save. i click it, it shows the grey box with white text save with the little x button but nothing else. no drop box, no auto save and save slots, nothing. after i exit out of it, i get a message saying it read an error about children or something. please check coding. i don't want to play and set up my world only for not being able to load or save. please fix soon. i like this game and hoping for a time for futa women with both pussy and dick as well as furries....i have my own fetishes. sorry for making this weird
Update: just tried download it and play it thinking it's the browsing engine. nope, it's even worst. the images don't come through, and i still can't save. please anarchothaumaturgist, HELP!!!
hopefully last update: it was my computers fault. had to restart it. did it on a larp to just see if that was the was. sorry
Bah, everybody has their own kinks! That's the beauty of college, it offers something for everybody. Not sure why it's not saving for you, That's really unfortunate. This game is amazing so i hope it can get figured out quickly.
Don't know about Futa, but I know you have the option of wearing a strap-on. Not the same, I know, but 🤷🏻♂️
thanks. hope so too.
If futas and furries are your thing I have some recommendations: Corruption of Champions 2, Trials In Tainted Space, Lillith's Throne, Flexible Survival, and Degrees of Lewdity!
Just play as a trans woman bro its already there
will there be impregnation?
It's on the roadmap!
this game is super cool! I have a question tho, there is any stat I need to lvl up to resist other orders in the bed? Or to make others to change position?
You should always have the option to change position during sex. If you mean you try and the person resists you moving them you may want to check the person's inclinations. Are they forceful? If so they're always going to try and force their will on you during sex. You should get a warning about that during foreplay, it'll say something like "If this continues you may not be in control".
Even with a forceful person you can still have some say in what happens during sex though. If your charisma is high enough you can ask them to do the action you want. Or if your physical is high enough you can move them and overpower them if they try to resist.
Okey, thanks!!!
idk if this is a glitch or just me being stupid, but for some reason when I enter a sex scene I am unable to do any sort of penetrative sex. I can do oral and hand stuff just fine, but the option for anal and vaginal isn't there at all, just teasing. Is there a knowledge requirement that I may not be meeting or something?
usually its progressive, like for example first you <tease pussy with penis> then after that the option to <enter pussy> will show up, as long as your partner hasn't done anything to cancel that out. hope that helps
This is due to your PC's reservations. It's not very well explained, but by default you're very reluctant to go all the way to the home run unless your Disinhibition is at least lv3.
Yup, unless the other partner is more experienced and takes it that next step. It has happened to me. Played a sweet but nerdy guy. Got invited to hang out, things heated up, she moved me into the seated position with her perched.
That boy lost his virginity that night and she forced him to cum inside 🤣 Lucky, lucky boy lmao
Hey there, awesome game.
But i think i need a bit of help: i can't find the TableTop Games event even if my life depended on it. I've got the invite, it says it's on the quad, before and after classes in the HINTS, but i just can't find it.
go to the other dorm before class/after class
Dis other guy said it! Anytime in the morning before 9am on weekdays and sometimes after class but not always. Go to the other dorms and it should pop with "🎲 Join" or something like that.
A small request for gender addition, if I may... It'd be great if there was an option for creating a hermaphrodite MC
A small bug/feature report.
Through persistent chatting I managed to bring the friendship of my room mate to 100% around Festember 12th. So I get the message "She seems to enjoy your company and could be a friend." when I talk to her.
She still doesn't want to hang out ("Hang out... with you? Yeah, no.") and for that matter also doesn't want to go on a date ("Oh, uh... no, I'm gonna be busy, sorry.")
So I think it's probably not intended to be on 100% friendship with her. Or even slightly friendly. Or anarchothaumaturgist never thought someone would be so persistent to try.
I think either this friendship spree should be made impossible or after achieving this feat her attitude should change.
I suspect their relationship with you is supposed to change eventually, but the content for that isn't written yet Q_Q
It's because it's a major storyline character. The only way to enter a relationship with the roommate is with the roommate's partner quest series.
It will be a D/s relationship. Currently, all D/s relationships are treated as romance and will make the person more friendly toward you. I could be wrong, but I think this is a stopgap measure because the framework for D/s relationships isn't complete yet, so it was made a subtype of romance.
out of curiosity, are we ever gonna get a way to properly date teachers even if it's a risky relationship ?
I like this type of game very much! This game is as fun as dol.❤️❤️
I hope someone can recommend me some more games of this type.🥺🥺
Well, "Degrees of Lewdity" is very similar. And if you like this you will probably also like "The Fixer", although that is substantially different.
not exactly the same, but have you tried Stuck In Sutton?
It's a great game. Thank you for the recommendation😁👍
can someone tell me how I get access to the library cellar? I have compliance 3, a misstress and done the extra credit "clean the equibment" several times
The library event is every Saturday, 6 pm to midnight. You can't invite your dom, unfortunately, but you can bring a sub if you have one.
Do I need some kind of invitation to go there and how do I get one?
Edit: Okay, I figured it out
Quick question, would being able to ask for pics ourselves eventually be a thing? For example, asking the classroom harasser, roommates boyfriend, or maybe an npc that you don't have a good or great or very intimate relationship with could result in different types of no's or insults. And maybe asking, lets say, the classroom admirer who is generally shy at the start for pics could result in like a whole bargaining thing where you have to negotiate for the type of pic or depending on your relationship they could say no. And of course, assuming you aren't using cheats, this could have an affect on your next interaction or your relationship. Maybe that could be a thing too, like sending a pic to someone and then the next time you interact with them they reference the pic. The harasser at the start could actually use this as blackmail, then again he has quite a bit of blackmail already so there's that. And I'd assume that if we actually manage to get the roommates boyfriend to send a pic he'd want something in return, so maybe like a bonus event to improve your relationship with him at the cost of having a way worse relationship with the roommate? Or maybe the same thing but with the football captain and his girlfriend? Or both (cause if you ask me, the roommate and cheer captain should definitely have it out for the pc).
Look I'm not expecting any of this to be considered, I like the game as is! The developers already have a ton to consider without my extra input. This is just me spilling my thoughts, but if people actually agree then that's cool. So yeah, love the game, can't wait for the next update and keep up the good work!
Is there any way to make teachers, coaches and police officers available for dating?
The professors and cops in town are dateable. Coaches and the campus cop aren't.
Regarding makeup, I think there should be some slight adjustments.
Of course we already have "Remove all makeup" in the dorm restroom. Afaik this, too, has no effect atm.
I downloaded the game on my laptop for over a year but never managed to figure out the save to file function. Can't switch devices and very disappointed :((( it will give me a file in"save" format but when I load it using the game in a different browser or android version, it never loads. And the copy to clipboard function isn't useful when there's nowhere to load text.
I've had success from "save to file" via desktop/browser, and "load to file" to an android tablet/phone. You just need to copy the save file generated for "save to file" from desktop/browser to your android phone, and load it via either the browser or the apk using "load to file" and pointing it at the correct directory. The game between devices should be the same version tho.
Oh yeah!!! TYSM, I found out that the version I have on desktop and android didn't match. Here's your medal 🏅
I'd like to know. Will there be a map expansion at some point? Like anothe town or will the current in game town have a ferry to another location? Seeing as there is a small dock
it would be nice to have top/bottom/verse inclinations separate to dominant/submissive/switch. maybe a "soft dom" one as well, since the the typical dominant NPCs are pretty forceful and don't care about the PC's pleasure or what they want at all most of the time.
I agree! Maybe extra inclinations like "Gentle" or "Rough" that are typically paired with "Dom", "sub", and "switch". This would allow for moments of dominating but being endearing at the same time, they refuse to change positions and will make you change positions but say nicer things. Or a sub/bottom, as you said, that is asking to be treated roughly. Which brings me to another possible recommendation...
Talking to your partner during sex. Giving you the option to say things to them depending on context. Things like "Praise Them", "Insult Them", and "Talk Dirty".
Suggestion: I hope we get the option to smack a b*tch (or atleast insult them).
The admirer's admirer is getting on my nerves.