Course of Temptation August Update (v0.5.2)
Here's this month's update from the contributor team and myself! This update continues to extend some relationship stuff, but we're also moving into some other side content and addressing other things that need a little attention.
In this update, the librarian's extra credit tasks transition into a weekly library basement event where you can either bring your sub or participate as a sub yourself. There is a lot of potential in this area and you can expect to see additional content for it in future updates.
Tooltips have been added, so you can hover over things like relationship types, needs, and skills, and see a brief explanation. These should work for mobile and screen reader users too, but let us know if you run into any trouble. Also, if you think something really needs a tooltip, let us know!
Books have been converted into objects that you can possess, with some that you can read for free at the library. Buying a book adds it to your dorm bookshelf and unlocks a read action there. For future content (quite possibly next month), you'll be able to write your own books and finally put that Writing skill to good use!
Some fixes and additions have made poly and open partners both much more common and easier to find, and relationships should be a bit more stable in general with the fixing of some edge cases. For group hangouts, you can now choose exactly who's invited.
Just for fun, we've also added a variety of small pets. These will be good for a quick, small boost to your Attention and Relaxation needs.
Contributors have also added a bunch of new clothing items, helped expand the starting selection of pets and books, and other stuff. Thank you for your fun additions!
As always, a huge thanks goes out to the contributors for their hard work adding to this update!
If you're not aware, we're maintaining two parallel development cycles:
- The monthly update might contain new event sets, new locations, or new mechanics, but usually focuses on extending existing content or polishing existing systems. It comes out once a month with whatever we got done in that time period... hence the name!
- The roadmap update checks off one or more items on the roadmap, adding extensive new mechanics and a bunch of related new events in one go, often fundamentally changing how the game can be played. It usually takes multiple months.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
v0.5.2c release notes:
- Added some events introducing you to the library basement dungeon and the weekly discussions that happen there
- Renamed Drunkenness to Intoxication
- Added some events for being too intoxicated, including passing out
- Added pets! Technically, only fish are allowed in your dorm room, but maybe you can get away with some other small pets… (with contributions from Meat Glacier, FastKoolUnwind, sleepy, elm, and Kami)
- Once purchased, your pet can be interacted with in your dorm for a small Attention and Relaxation boost
- Added a lot more outfit variety to some student archetypes (contributed by General Tacticus)
- We have been graced with another new conspiracy bulletin (contributed by Meat Glacier)
- Added contributed clothing and piercings, including cropped jackets, harnesses, a new style of leg warmers, novelty earrings, turtlenecks, graphic underwear, and more! (contributions from sleepy, litey, and RyDog)
- Added new Findr tags to help you find NPCs into open and poly relationships
- Hang on, did you know non-special NPCs weren’t actually spawning with open or poly inclinations? Neither did I! Oops! But they do now (this fix is retroactive and doesn’t require generating a new world)
- The tendency for NPCs to have Polyamorous and Open Relationships inclinations can now be affected by a new worldgen slider
- The BFF relationship event now offers a polyamorous option
- Exploring an open or poly relationship with your BFF will now unlock the corresponding inclination
- Open relationships are now romantically non-exclusive, just to simplify things until relationships can have individual characteristics
- You can now reorder your outfits in the Wardrobe UI
- When starting a group hangout, you can now decide exactly who is invited
- Removed the round limit on encounters (this was really just a holdover from before they could be ended at any time)
- Some of the more common hassling events now have a chance of being stopped cold if your Physicality is high
- You can now deliberately do poorly when playing at the arcade, but it doesn’t impress your competition!
- Added Sensitive Nipples inclination
- Certain inclinations now remove arousal caps from certain acts during encounters (for example, Sensitive Nipples lets you achieve peak arousal through just nipple play)
- Added Strip action to encounters to undress all at once
- Discussing an ongoing relationship now includes options for attempting to change it to a dom or sub relationship
- New cheat options allow you to freeze the adding or removing of relationships, meaning you won’t get events like new friends or breakups
- Campus is a little breezier thanks to a new event (contributed by RyDog)
- Added two recurring Porn Addict events. More content for them will be on the way!
- Added some in person affection options to dialogue with your romantic partners (contributed by sleepy)
- A new variation of the gloryhole events means you may end up servicing somebody who’s not so much a stranger (contributed by sleepy)
- Added tooltips to things like relationship types, needs, and skills (contributed by SunsetDreams)
- Books have been refactored and can now provide additional skill raises and need changes when read. You can also purchase books at various locations and add them to your personal library on your dorm room bookshelf
- Many fixes and tweaks
Get Course of Temptation
Course of Temptation
A detailed adult college life simulator.
Status | In development |
Author | anarchothaumaturgist |
Genre | Interactive Fiction, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | Adult, Erotic, LGBTQIA, Life Simulation, Slice Of Life, Text based, Twine |
Languages | English |
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Love the game, love the World.
Btw, why is the default action in sex scenes always a BJ? I had one character that started with wanting to rail the MC, but everyone else? BJs.
Skill issue? 🤔
i'm having some issues with the admirer on the mobile version after this update. i started two new saves after updating and in both something was wrong.
in the first one they didn't generate as an admirer at all and i wasn't getting any of their events like them drawing pictures of me/my tabletop character or awkwardly saying hi on campus. i played this save until after winter break, finished the tabletop campaign, never saw any events except them asking to copy my work and their profile never listed them as my admirer.
in the second save, despite having them set as cis male in world settings, they generated as female. my character is a bi female so it isn't a sexuality issue either.
God you always deliver it's so nuts 😭 awesome update!
Finder app have some problem. Like previously, after liking, there's no response now.
Where is gloryhole?
Not sure if this has been said already. But combat in the game would be sick.
Really enjoying this update! Loving it a lot!
Although I have a question, is there a way to change pets? Or is there a button that I somehow missed entirely? besides the dorm interaction ofc
i really like the addition of pets, if possible i think having a really high gpa and do well on a sport would grant the player of owning a small dog or a cat so long as you kept it high. (a small fennec for the exotic option)
also are there any contact lenses for eye colors anywhere or im just blind?
Oh awesome update but I'm really curious, when will you finally add impregnation. I love the game don't get me wrong here but I really want to impregnate people especially the quarterbacks girlfriend, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wants to do it.
Also I feel dumb for asking this but shouldn't the roommate, the roommates go and the professors all be special characters?
sorry to bother you, just wanted to know: do you plan on adding unique scenes for special characters? (the one i'm personally most interested in is assertive branch for the harasser >< ^^)
"Open relationships are now romantically non-exclusive"
To make sure I'm understanding this right, this means that if you're in an open relationship with someone, you can now be in romantic relationships with other people too, instead of the open relationship being your only romantic one?
Im sorry to tell you this but.... yuu and your team are doing awesome!!! I love the overall feel of the game and the continuous updates with detailed explanation on what has been put in.
You should totally join the discord server if you haven't, it's actually a pretty cool community
Thank you!